Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.



You are a unique expression of energy here to live unique
 life experiences.  As energy you are never alone

you are connected to everyone and everything
 so why do you think you are anything less then magnificent?
Well this all comes from the social and generational conditioning you have been subjected to throughout your life.
Even from your time in the womb, the fears and lack of self worth felt by the mother will be passed through to the baby on a cellular level. How your parents ‘value’ themselves will have had an energetic impact on you and your experiences, you see when you allow others to control you
, energetically you then live
 their life experiences not yours, you bury your uniqueness . This is why it is so important that those choosing to have children are and become ‘conscious’
It is the conditioning you are subjected to in childhood that will mould your ‘beliefs’ in yourself today. This is not helped when most of the state school systems were designed specifically to condition children into low self worth, through competition so that as young adults they would be easily controlled and manipulated in the workforce.
In your own family, there will have been conditioning of generational perceptions, you often hear the arguments when young people desire to follow their passion and are prevented because ‘ your father was a lawyer/coal miner/farmer/accountant, as his father was, as I am and you will too, it is what we do’. This fear of trying something new all goes back to their own lack of self worth and their conditioning.
So you can see the perpetuation of mediocroty through generations and it is all about recognising this for what it is and being prepared to break the mould!
Here is some advice on how to ‘step out of the  matrix’ and let go of the conditioning to become your truly authentic and magnificent self:
  • Stop watching/listening to/reading- mainstream TV, radio and newspapers. Start being selective and be in control of the information you choose to know about, immerse yourself with creative, innovative and inspiring news and information.
  • Begin to define who you are; not as a career, sibling or romantic partner, who you are. This takes identifying your values, from your values will come your vision and passion for the life you will love to live.
  • Start to understand the power of your energy. To do this you need to go within yourself and meditation is the most powerful way of picking up energy’s conversation.
  • Belief in your self worth and self esteem. This is the foundation of your authentic self and to allow all the abundance you create through your beliefs to flow to you.
When you believe
 you are not worthy
 of honouring yourself
 energy cannot attract 
to you experiences 
that honour you.
 The time is now
 to own your uniqueness
 to believe in 
your ability to powerfully create to be the magnificent
 expression of energy
 you are here to be!


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