Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I am filled with such appreciation at the friends and followers of my work who come from every culture across the globe and every ‘form’ of religion. What is truly beautiful, is to witness this coming together of every ‘faith’ and it does not matter what the doctrine, everyone understands when I speak of energy, it reaffirms there is no separation.

Energy is god. ‘God’ is just a man made label for the divine higher consciousness working through us. Unfortunately mainstream religion has conditioned people to believing their ‘god’ is something out side themselves, something they need to supplicate to and give responsibility to for all the circumstances of their lives (I know I was brought up a strict Irish Catholic). That God is vengeful and needs to be feared and revered.

There is no separation, we are ‘GOD’ each and everyone and everything in the physical universes is ‘god’! The labels for everyone’s view of energy is merely their interpretation of the divine within, whether that be Buddha, Allah, God, Jehovah it is all terming that divine energy within each of us, we are energy (God) living life experiences through these physical bodies.

Look at any scripture and you will see this reference. I have people in every ‘religion’ under the sun following my work because they understand it is talking about the divinity within them, My work is transcending the labels give by man to keep people in fear and control.

As energy beings we are totally responsible for our creation and reality, we are not here to react, we are here to remember the divine within us and come back into alignment with it. Based within this physical universe energy works through frequency, where absolute unconditional love resonates at the highest frequencies. In your physical forms your energy consciously chose to have a life experience in the physical realm, in doing so it not only relinquished the memory of its own magnificence, it understood dealing with the ‘physical’ meant moving into lower frequency as all physical forms are dense.

The life experience is there for you as the physical embodiment of your divine energy, to remember your magnificence. To experience all emotions, all conditions and find the contrast. To be the expression of divinity through contribution and service to others, always looking to the highest good of every being you encounter.

To do this you must know and embrace the divine within you through finding the love for yourself before others, honouring the intrinsic value and worth you bring to this physical world as you are a unique, individual expression of the divine energy.

As each and every being in this physical world remembers and comes back into alignment with their higher energy essence, we create a shift into higher frequency globally.

From the higher frequencies, there is no blame, guilt or conflict. In higher frequency there is only abundance and unconditional love, there is no separation only the full awareness of being part of everything and everyone, divinity in full expression.

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