Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


We will be experiencing a New Moon eclipse on July 21st at 10:35PM EST. This eclipse is significant in that it will be the longest Total Solar Eclipse of this century. It will be visible from the Pacific Ocean, southern China, Southeast Asia, Northern India and Nepal. Its actual length will be six minutes and 39 seconds. As a new moon eclipse it represents a time of new beginnings, however being the longest one of the century its energy is supercharged and astrologists tell us that its effects will be felt for approximately three years. This eclipse comes at a time when we are reaching a point of no return from which the gap is growing greater between those who choose fear, manipulation, lies and power games and those who stand firmly in the light, in peace, harmony and love.
This eclipse is helping us to transmute old behavioral patterns, old emotional paradigms, old ways of relating to others, old structures that are now dissolving and old karma that we no longer need, as the age of karma has now passed. The more we open up and embrace these new patterns and ways of being within ourselves, the faster we clear the pathway for positive changes to appear in our lives. The deeper we connect within ourselves the more completely we are able to connect with our truth, integrity, courage, clarity of intention and our higher consciousness, which will then help to inspire us to leap forward in our personal development.

A suggested ritual for all of us to take part in over this eclipse is to light a black candle, setting the intention to release all unwanted influences in out lives (situations, locations, jobs, relationships, etc.). Ask for Archangel Michael’s help to lovingly cut cords and help you to find compassion and forgiveness with all people who no longer support your best and highest good. Let the candle burn until it extinguishes naturally. If you wish to dress the candle before burning Letting Go oil is a wonderful choice.

Take time to breathe, drink some water and meditate for a bit, then light a white candle to welcome all that is for your highest good into your life. Allow this also to burn until it naturally extinguishes itself.

As we move through these energetic thresholds or portals, our consciousness is accelerating and our feelings are amplified resulting in what we are wishing for to manifest almost immediately. Watch your thoughts, for our thoughts become part of our reality. Focus on what it is you want not on that which may presently exist but you do not want.

This eclipse, while warm and loving, is VERY intense and profoundly transformative. Through the energetic shifts this eclipse brings, our consciousness is being opened to new possibilities and realms we have never before dreamed of. The veils between all realms and dimensions are thinning. I encourage you to enjoy the ride and take an active part in working with this powerful energy shift to transform your life.

Sending you all Love and Light,


For more information see Astrologer Michelle Karen, M.A., D.F. Astrol.S. at her website or Debra Clement at

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