~OH Tree of Light and Love~
~You are above the Stars,
still even beyond Mars,
your shining love is bliss,
your mouth, a juicy kiss.~
~You shine a quiet truth,
remembered youth.
on joyfull winds You blow,
the answers You do show.~
~In your arms, I feel
your stilled heartbeat,
your braches so complete,
with no one You compete.~
~Mother's Earth, so sweet.
my days they are complete.
my nights, awed moonshine.
smiles soar on sunshine.~
~Oh tree of life, the touch,
you are the tree in You
for in your arms, sensed joy,
to be among the Blue.~
~Scatter joy and love about,
feel the light, you want to shout.
Oh, tree of life reside in me,
the wings do set you free.~
~Stretch your limbs up to the Sun,
feel the warmth, Rejoice the Dove,
for Peace blows gently in the wind,
flying from your divine love.~
~Feel the joy from above,
thee Angels, they are Love.
Angelic realms, rejoicing glee,
For peace resides in me ~
~Beloved, eternal light Angel,
my lovely friend, the tree,
branches extending skyward,
for Peace shines bright in thee!~
written by Elizabeth SkyRaven
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