Architects of a New Dawn

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UNMASKING: Initiation into Multi-Dimensionality ~ Children of the Sun



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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 



Initiation into Multi-Dimensionality

  • Advancing into Multi-Dimensionality 
  • The Masquerade Ends
  • Transcending Free Will 
  • Bending the Reality of 3D 
  • Rewriting our Scripts 
  • Notes on our new Bodily Operating System   
  • Meet our April Amazon Expedition Team 


The Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ New Moon, April 21

as synchronized with The Amazon Transmissions! 








I N T R O D U C T I O N  


As the moon wanes, continuing its descent into absolute darkness, we are undergoing yet another intense initiation as the Cosmic Solar Fire continues to bathe our entire planet. 

This initiation can be characterized as a very unique "dark night of the soul". It is a phase of some of the deepest core purging as the reconfiguration continues, fusing and synthesizing our entire multi-body energy system. It is catalyzing a complete and instantaneous upgrade of the electrically wired genetic blueprint, quickly shifting us into the magnetic multi-dimensional body of light. 

The re-wirings and constant re-booting of our systems is lighting up and revealing the master cell of the unconscious self, releasing us instantly from our bondage to the ego's control and the limiting human perception.

This grand revealing leaves no aspect of our being unturned. The fire of Divine Truth blazes through us, leaving us stripped of self and thrown naked in the tar pit of remaining egoic resistance. It is in this pit of fear, found within the intricately webbed recesses of our lower self, that we valiantly and willingly place our human self upon the altar of the Sacred Fire.  

It is from this extraordinary act of final surrender, that we are breaking free from the masquerade as the ultimate death of the ego's hold releases us through the veil. It is the final extinction of our identification to the self as a body limited by the physical senses.  

The Light of God ensures that there is nowhere to hide while simultaneously providing those with the eyes to see with the opportunity to expand their perceptions beyond the physical realm. The more that we let go of what we think we know (the mask of the ego), the greater levels of illumination we are receiving. 

As we surrender our human, we are absorbed by the light and our greater, multi-dimensional aspect of Self completely over-rides our human operating system. 








clock spiral

Our Advancement 
into Multi-Dimensionality


Bending Reality


All that is occurring, both within and without, is a staged orchestration created through the laws of initiation for our evolutionary return into multi-dimensional mastery. It is vital that we know and accept that everything happening in our life is in absolute Divine Order. We are merely the one observing as we take this cosmic plunge.

Many of us are learning to use the rules of our expanding awareness to bend the reality of the third dimension, opening the door into a whole new level of energy mastery. 

Following are some of the actualizations currently being self realized by members of our Group Avatar.



The Final Unmasking of the Ego  


 If we are to experience the absolute oneness that is our collective destiny, we must completely unmask, allowing for the ultimate extinction of the ego's control of our human experience.

mask offThere are still weavings lingering in our unconscious that continue to control our life, manifesting excuses and distractions. It is this tenacious wall of resistance... the final stronghold of our clever ego that is the blinding barrier to our full return to the Greater Self. 

The initiating Cosmic Light pouring on to the planet is providing us with the opportunity to journey deep into the subconscious and to pull up and out every thread of fearful thought, emotion, memory and behavior that impedes our reconnection.


Our greatest challenge yet is to release ALL control of our physical life to Divine Will, to place ourselves entirely in the hands of our Greater Self. We must COMPLETELY LET GO in order to accomplish the dimensional shift!

Transcending the Concept of Free Will

We are releasing our human operating system including the idea of having personal free will. This is the illusion that keeps the ego masked in its controlling dance of mind controlled manipulation! Free will is clearly a very outdated concept to where we are evolving as a planet and a race.

The Sacred Fire of the Violet Transmuting Flames can greatly assist in bringing forth the required transmutations and is especially amplified when invoked in tandem with the Platinum Cosmic Light of fusion. The majority of us cannot advance WITHOUT the support of the Sacred Fire.

Non-Identification to the Self as only a Human

Liberation into multi-dimensionality is actualized through non-identification to the self as only a human. We are exercising and expanding our vision to see beyond the form, beyond the self. Our new realities are being instantaneously created through a multi-dimensional lens of perception.
It is human nature to validate our existence through the physical means of our body and it's five senses. The current construct of the physical reality is designed to stimulate (and over stimulate) the senses, keeping us locked in our bodies and the third dimensional matrix. With our attention constantly placed upon the needs, wants and desires of the physical body, we are distracted from the true Divine Reality and we compromise our ability to move through the veil.

More of us are currently transcending the limitations of the third dimension by bending the reality, merely through our thoughts alone.  This is being achieved by the focus of our attention upon the Greater and through a switch of held perception in the mind-heart functioning. 

blind-manThis includes such abilities as... to instantly heal, to manipulate the time construct,transcending the need to eat food, to be at the affect of temperatures, to experience any type of suffering, to travel the timelines, to precipitate all need in any given moment. 

It is very challenging to make this perceptual shift alone and is why the Foundation is constantly encouraging everyone to remain glued in the group formation so that those who are advancing can greatly assist those who are in lesser stages of realization.

Moving Outside of the Time-Space Boundary
We all know that the illusion of time is a man-made construct. We constantly hear people saying, "I don't have enough time". Affirmations such as this solidify the prison bars of "time" that currently surround the majority of humanity and societal systems. 
Once we are free from the limitations created by time and space, we can fully actualize our skills of multi-dimensionality. Our ability to see beyond the physical realm is the key to this actualization. 
As we exercise only the present moment...PURE PRESENCE... we free the mind from the trappings of any conjuring reality that there is a past and a future. Worry, stress and anxiety drops away and we become not only the flow, but the energy behind the flow, and simply, the one observing.
When we are liberated from time-space boundaries, there is no identification to the self... there is no desire, no separation, there is no fear of death. Fear itself becomes non existent. Lower frequency thoughts and patterns cannot move into the higher worlds. 
Dare to go beyond your senses! You are a vast and infinite being that is part of an even more and incredibly vast whole. There are no limits aside from those which we create. It is our ego that holds us hostage in the time-space illusion! 
Bending Reality by Re-writing our Scripts 
We are constantly weaving our chosen patterns of life. As Creator-Beings, we can accept or decline any reflection that is being made in our revealing reality. 

spider webThrough our expanding perceptions,  we can manipulate our thinking in order to construct the life we wish to live. As the spider in the forest weaves her expanding web, so can we weave and re-weave our realities to reflect that which we wish to experience. 

Through the power of our attention, we can direct our thoughts to re-script the reality that is bound by time-space into the infinite multi-dimensional landscape that it truly lives.

Each of us must first ascend beyond our own habit of third dimensional thinking to completely embrace the new Multidimensional Operating System. We will then remember how to think, feel and perceive all reality through a multi-dimensional lens.
The Divine Reality exists within us and around us at all times. We have only to drop our preconceived notions of linear reality to allow the expansiveness of eternity to reveal the guidance from Divine Grace, present in every moment.












with Energy Transference to all Planetary Light Servers!



~ Next Transmission ~  

Ego Transcendence
Advancement into Multi-Dimensionality


New Moon ~ April 21, 2012


During 2012, the Foundation of Children of the Sun is sponsoring Group Expeditions deep into the Amazon Jungle in which group participants will undergo an intense bodily purification program to initiate the greater metamorphic processes of physical body transfiguration.  


Serving as prototypes, participants are placing their bodies in service to the collective. Mass energy transference will be conducted to transmit the experience, together with realizations and self actualizations, to a wider reach and network of Planetary Light Servers.  

The April Expedition Team is transferring the direct experience relating to our next focus of ego transcendence and advancement into multi-dimensionality. Through their high energy harmonic, their interlocking energy matrix is the KEY that unlocks the codes to the new genetic programming.  It is this unlocking that fires the collective DNA and that which will be transferred out to the entire Group Soul of Children of the Sun.  

Each of these journeys will also assist to open a Portal of Light for the upper Amazon region of northern Peru and reaching into Brazil, Columbia and Ecuador.  




with Facilitator

    Princess Tiara 


Princess Tiara









The Planetary Grid Transmissions

New Moon ~ Saturday, April 21

Beloved Children of the Sun, during this next lunar cycle and grid transmission... let's go within and allow ourselves to let go, completely, surrendering all control to the present moment and to the Will of God. 

Let's invoke and command that our I AM Presence over-ride our human operating system NOW while melting the last vestiges of resistance. Let's ask that our Nervous and Endocrine Systems be upgraded, gracefully and without harm or imbalance to our transitioning energy system. 

Those of us who are making the dimensional shift in ease and grace, let's reach out to all of our brothers and sisters, assisting in their upgrade and understandings by transferring our own energy signatures and DNA ascension codes.

May we see and feel everyone in the vision of the Immaculate Concept... functioning in the New Multidimensional Operating System... existing beyond the boundaries of time and space.

It is Done.









Important Notes...

on our New Multidimensional Operating System 


Delicacies of the Endocrine System Upgrade ~
The portal between the etheric and the physical body is the body's Endocrine System. The Endocrine System is our body's "communication system" which transfers information and instructions from one set of cells to another. It is through this glandular portal that light transmissions are mediated into physical chemical messages that enter the bloodstream as hormones. 
Working in tandem with the Nervous System, our entire Endocrine System is also undergoing an intense upgrade into the magnetic multi-dimensional blueprint. This is dramatically changing the way in which our body communicates, to allow us to receive more high frequency light into the body while ensuring that it is evenly distributed throughout our cellular matrix.

Our bodies are under a great deal of pressure at this time, constantly assimilating and recalibrating to a greater vibration. This process is only going to become more and more accelerated. If the Endocrine system is over stimulated, it stresses the entire body and creates imbalances, especially in areas of the body that are most sensitive and vulnerable. 

This is why it is so important to LISTEN to our body. This is why it is so important to discontinue and release any and all toxicities, artificial stimulants and stress from our lives. These things will only short circuit the new wiring and potentially bring great fracture to our transitioning system.

Expanding through the Pineal Gland Portal ~
The light energy pulsating to us from the Galactic Center, enters the physical body primarily through the Pineal Gland. This glandular center is the main portal through which we are liberated from the limiting perceptions of the third dimensional mind. 
As the Pineal Gland expands, we begin to experience the opening of our ascension portal. This portal acts much like a compass to guide our process of returning to multi-dimensional awareness. Through this process of inner opening, we truly have become walking portals... receiving and emitting transforming light, traversing multiple realities and consciously living in all of these realities at once.
Due to the intensity of increasing cosmic energy, many people are experiencing power surges in the Pineal Gland and are becoming electrically overloaded. This, is turn, can lead to an over-stimulation of the brain's other main endocrine gland, the Pituitary, which creates problems of energetic balance in the entire physical body. 
We emphasize the critical importance in this sensitive time of accelerating energy to solely focus upon the complete dissolution of the remaining egoic hold and all of it's entrapments. This is recommended BEFORE trying to develop expanded states and break-throughs of dimensional vision. All of these things happen naturally once the ego's control is completely removed.



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