Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

There in the glimmering in our hearts true home

There is the birth of a new light

As the Sun feeds the earth with radiant life

So the earth receives this light and grows

Ever reaching upwards to the Source .

And as we live in the reflection of God’s Light

So we grow with the ever unfolding Miracle of being alive,

Here on this small planet expressing our love

As God expresses his love through us.


And as Venus holds the vibration of love

And aligns with the Earth and the Sun,

We send our light forth as love.


We receive the blessings of the radiance of light and love

As we open our hearts to be a channel of love

And we receive this love from the source and resource.

We bring the light of God through our souls

 to the earth and anchor that light here.

We receive the love that God is into our heart of Hearts,

And we extend this light and love forth to humanity,

To serve the Will of God with Good will for all

Allowing God to work with us and through us.


And so we reflect the light and love of God.

With each breath we breathe in God’s Light

With Each Bretah we Breath in God’s Love


And so God’s will is our Will,

And God’s Love is our Love,

And God’s Light is Our Life.


And we are born again in Light and Love.

And where we can’t God Can,

And so We say Yes to God,

And  fulfill our purpose and God’s Plan


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