We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
For those who follow my work, you will know I am all about truth, knowledge and awareness. I cannot give time or attention to those delivering false perceptions of what we are and why we are here, especially when they are incongruent with their message and have not or do not live the ‘truth’ they speak of.
For millennia we have witnessed this mis perception through religion, governments and media in an attempt to keep populations dumbed down and distracted. Why would agents who are purportedly there acting for our well being do this? Plain and simply…control. When knowledge is prevented and fear and uncertainty instilled, you have the perfect conditions for control.
We can go back centuries and see the immense mis perception and false information put out regarding those who chose Pagan beliefs, belief in the natural energies of the earth and cosmos ( and I bet even now some of you reading this will still be in the conditioning of raising your eyebrows at the mention). The corruption of those in power and religion fed the masses with tales of devil worship and possessions or black magic, to such an extent it became a belief based in fear, a conditioned hysteria if you will, which in time led to hundreds of thousands of innocent people being tortured, burned and killed.
Come forward to a short time ago as the 1960s -70s and those who rallied for peace where given names, which again was part of the conditioning to avert the public to the real truth. So the ‘hippies’ or ‘flower people’ would just get raised eyebrows, sneers and dismissal. We then saw the emergence of other control names to avert attention, such as ‘woowoo’ or ‘new agers’.
It hasn’t stopped there. The scaremongering and divergence continued to any practice of natural healing and medicine. Any verified cures using the frequency of the body , Dr Royal Raymond Rifeis a very powerful example of this, when in the 1920s he had verified trials of 100% cure rates of cancer, which were confiscated, trash and subsequently destroyed along with Rife himself. In fact any practice that would bring the public’s attention to the restorative power within them, has been constantly and deliberately undermined, maligned and vilified as false.
WHY? Why has so much time, effort and energy been given to convincing the world populations that natural energy and healing is a lie? The old adage ‘Tell a lie to conceal a lie’ springs to mind. Those who falsely believe they hold the power have used this to constantly divert attention. In social conditioning the public never gets to know real knowledge and truth, as knowledge is power!
Although so many instinctively knew what they felt about their natural energy was right, so many practised natural healing, homoeopathy and energy work in secret , they did not know the science behind how these natural practices worked and as we all know, if science verifies something it MUST be true!
So we come to what they tried to stop you knowing about meditation.
Meditation has been termed over centuries as a spiritual practice ( see again the label to divert attention). Deemed as a means of quiet contemplation and a way to connect with your inner being, your divinity if you will.
What they tried to stop you knowing is that meditation IS the creation process.
Now we have the scientific verification of what processes happen when you meditate and how this is creating your reality.
The Science of Meditation
Let me know run through the science of meditation with you, bearing in mind I am not defined as a scientist, however I personally, consciously apply this information in my own meditation creation with staggering results.
We have irrefutable evidence from such eminent cellular biologists as Dr Bruce Lipton and brain doctors such as Dr Jill Bolte Taylor that our cells take their signal from our beliefs.
The electrical impulses caused in this process are our first remnants of a vision come into being. This happens in the frontal lobes of the brain, involved in movement, decision-making, problem solving, and planning.
Again through electrical impulses, the belief process is sent to your thalamus, a mass of grey matter cells that relay sensory signals to and from the spinal cord and the cerebrum, a reality processor. It is the thalamus that dictates to the brain what it thinks is going on in the external world, so creates the by product of thought.
From the thalamus there are different areas of the brain that can get fed the information. Firstly it could send the electrical impulse thought to the occipital lobes, positioned at the back region of the cerebral cortex and are the main centres for visual processing. So this is where you can visualise what it is you desire to bring into the external world.
These impulses are then sent to your parietal lobes (either directly from your thalamus or via the occipital lobes), here is the most crucial element of the whole process. It is in the parietal lobe that an artificial construction of who you are is created. Your belief and thought come together here and create –the projected perception of your reality, in your external world.
Now there is a whole lot more going on in processes at the same time, I am just covering the very basic science here to bring you an awareness and knowledge of why then, your meditation becomes so powerful.
So, you have the brain functionality, let us now look at combining this with meditation and how it applies.
As I have created the Path of the Peaceful Warrior Meditation Programme, let me take you through the processes and how this works with the brain functionality.
What we also know through scientific research is that positive belief and thought trigger a much higher level of brain activity, impulses and secretions then negative belief and thought.
Meditation Process
As you may be aware there are a myriad of meditation processes available, no one is right or wrong, it is what aligns with you and your internal energy that matters. I spent many years trying various meditations, primarily to stop mind chatter which seems to be the biggest challenge for most people taking up and sticking with meditation. This led me to creating a three step process (the power of 3) in deep breathing, harmonic meditation and energetic, emotional release technique.
In each part it involves visualising a deep connection with the earth, using harmonic tones at each chakra whilst reciting certain commands in your head. I take my clients into a communication with every cell, molecule and atom of the body, visualising them and commanding them into pure and natural health. There are different commands for each of the chakras, which initially begin with the re-enforcing of the clients absolute abundance, their unconditional love and life wealth. This then moves onto the body organs and functionality restoration. Following this is the awakening and awareness of the connection to all through understanding the energetic communication in constant motion, created from the inside out. It finishes with a powerful technique of acknowledging and accepting vulnerability, through the acknowledgement of negative emotional memories still being held onto at cellular level. In the accepting and acknowledging, they can then be energetically released.
Now, through this 3 step process, is the powerful creation of new beliefs, as the focus is on the clients vision of living with passion and purpose. We now know that our beliefs go to the frontal lobes, are sent to the thalamus, creating the thought. Onto the occipital lobes and to the parietal lobes, where the projection of our perception of reality is created.
On an energetic level, we know that our external world is the reflection of our internal beliefs. What you believe about yourself will transmute energy into external experiences and opportunities, as the electrical processes that happen in the brain and throughout the body create your resonating frequency. This will always transmute into a mirroring frequency in your external world.
When you allow meditation to become your way of life, where you spend 30 – 40 minutes a day in contemplation, connection and meditation, you begin to consciously create the new projection of your perception of reality. This projection becomes very real through the transmutation of experiences and opportunities in your external environment.
You have always held the power to create your reality.
This has however been kept from your knowledge and perception to keep you dumbed down and controlled.
Now you know the secret…
What are you going to do with it?
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