Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

There are some things I need to share with you about me in this blog, by way of a poem I wrote a few years back. Then we can get into what I see emerging. Thanks for your patience and engagement :-)


Which, Doctor? 

The revelation comes, I am one with the dream

I am walking in flatland, a living contradiction in terms

I am multi-dimensional, how can I be here?

I have the power, I am chosen, why?


In my youth I sought the fields and streams, the bogs and glades, why?

Later, I sought the knowledge of cultures spurned by my culture, why?

I have knowledge of herbs, computers, myths, and origins, why?

My joy and life success has been as visionary, teacher, healer, why?


I have the power of knowledge, I heal the broken process.

I have the power of understanding, I heal the broken being.

I have the power of faith and love, I heal the broken spirit.

I am Obi-Juan-Kenobi, I am one with the Mandala.


What words can I use to describe my present being?

I am one with myself but out of place in my apparent culture

The origins of Now-me are not the culture of my birth

Where did Me come from if my place was then but my time is now?


There are three levels on the Path of Life, three facets of the dream

First is the Aspect of Being, the condition of existence, which all are.

Second the Aspect of Seeing, the condition of awareness, which some have

Third the Aspect of Choice, the power to make a difference, which few command


The things I have seen, absorbed, understood, all point to this

My life is explained in the light of this revelation and no other

What is the name for this, my current state, my task revealed

The world of my being has many but they are fragmented, incomplete


Doctor, teacher, preacher, godfather, just to name a few

The world of my awareness has others, different names

Shaman, guru, sensei bring unity and oneness into place

But they don't fit in the world of my being, and I must choose...

Which, Doctor?

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