Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Who Controls Your Clicks?

2010 will be a defining year for the Internet. Will control remain in the hands of its millions of users? Or will a few phone and cable companies decide which Web sites you can and can't see?

The Federal Communications Commission must hear from you in the next few days before it creates a final rule that, if done right, will protect Net Neutrality — the Internet's First Amendment — once and for all.

But they're facing intense pressure from giant telecom companies that want to strip away our right to an open Internet.

Tell the FCC: Don’t Cave to Comcast and AT&T

The FCC needs your feedback by Thursday. The window for commenting is closing fast. We must act now to stop these companies in their tracks.

The phone and cable companies and their phony front groups have already flooded the FCC with comments calling for an end to Net Neutrality. It's time the FCC heard the voices of people like you who rely on the free and open Internet every day.

Free Press and have made it easy to send your message directly to the FCC. Just click on the link below:

Demand Net Neutrality Before It’s Too Late

The phone and cable companies are trying to stuff the FCC docket with lies and misleading statements. That’s why we need you to tell the FCC that you care about Net Neutrality and the open Internet.

By filing comments today, you can make sure that no FCC commissioner can in good conscience side with the phone and cable cartel against an open Internet.

It's time for the FCC to stand up for Net Neutrality. If you’ve never done it before, now is the time to take action.

Tell the FCC to protect Net Neutrality. And then use Twitter and Facebook to spread the word to your friends, colleagues and family.

Thank you,

Timothy Karr
Campaign Director
Free Press

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