Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

..... is a global initiative and movement to restore women’s wisdom, values, and influence for planetary survival. The imbalance of the masculine and feminine lies at the root of world problems--too much of one and not enough of the other in our understanding and outlook. Thomas Berry writes, “Women and the Earth are inseparable. The fate of one is the fate of the other.” The integration of the feminine dimension of life and consciousness is a missing link and essential element needed to set right the multitude of crises on our planet.

HerStory has been well documented in research and books. So the question we are left with is: “now what?” How can we compliment the work of so many by taking the next step? What are the next steps to regain wholeness? Deep seated patterns of thought continue to repress both men and women. Patriarchal systems demean women’s value, opinions and influence and confine the emotional range and roles of men.

WWW would like to suggest that we begin identifying next steps by launching an in depth conversation to define ideas and create the balance needed to support the gifts of our right brain. WHAT are the HOW TOO'S on the path to a world that is balanced? And who are the models for change?

So we are asking you for your thoughts:

• How do we bring respect and reverence to that which we hold as feminine? Right brain thinking, the earth, girls etc.

• What steps will bring our brains into wholeness?

• What questions do we need to ask?

• What are some potential solutions?

•What stories of reconciliation between the genders can we share?

•What behaviors’ would demonstrate the values we are seeking to implemented?

•What would be most useful?

• What would be the easiest to accomplish?

* What changes would you have to make personally?

• Are you willing?

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