We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
I have created a list from the *new* I Am University
I hope you find it of interest & useful for your spiritual growth & development.
Many Blessings
Esta Lior
1. 50-Point Cosmic Cleansing Meditation ~ Dr Stone of I Am University2. Illustration Models {A few of 100}3. Free Audio Material for Earthly Service4. Prayer Request5. Eastern & Western Pioneers {Saints (Love-Embodied Wisdom)}6. One (1) Two (2) & Three (3) of 365-Spiritual Growth Tips & Mini-Coaching Session
A Word of Caution to beginners on the Spiritual PathThree prerequisites to succeed in meditationLife is a battlefield and how to win this battle
7. I Am Lord Krishna YouTube Video8. Light Masters Atse Gallery9. Adieu10. The Great Invocation {Long Version}11. Wesak inc. The Ultimate Golden Chamber of Melchizedek Ascension Activation Meditation12. 1212
{*Wesak Special Coming Soon*}
See them {Negative Energies} being removed from both your personal sphere and the sphere of all of humanity while they are held in unconditional love.It is not our place to judge them, but it is certainly our right and even our obligation to ask them to be removed from our personal and collective worlds. ~ Joshua David Stone
Why worry when you can pray? Ask and you shall receive! Knock and the door shall be opened! The I AM University is pleased to offer this free service to the global community. Every prayer that is submitted will be placed on the I AM University’s Prayer Altar to help you positively realize all your prayer requests.
Omniversally Yours
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Close eyes-let us begin by taking a deep breath-Exhale.
We call all the Masters of the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy to help in this meditation.
We now call forth a Planetary and Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment.
This morning’s meditation is a little longer then some of my other meditations, and is purposely created this way so as to set in place all the spiritual hook-ups needed to fully activate each person present, to their highest ascension potentiality.
So allow yourself now to just completely relax and soak in all the Cosmic energies and Ascension activations.
We now call forth to the Seven Chohans, Djwhal Khul, Lord Maitreya and Lord Buddha, to provide a gigantic group Merkabah for all in attendance in this auditorium, and we ask to be taken spiritually to the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek, in the Universal Core.
We call forth each person’s 144 soul extensions, from their Monad and Mighty I Am Presence, to join us, if they choose, for this meditation.
We call to the Seven Chohans, for the opening of all Chakras, the Ascension Chakra, and all Petals and Facets of all Chakras.
We call to Archangel Metatron, for the permanent anchoring and activation of the Microtron.
We call to the Lord of Sirius, for the anchoring and activation of the Scrolls of Wisdom and Knowledge, from the Great White Lodge on Sirius that are appropriate for this group.
We also simultaneously ask to be connected to the Cosmic Initiation that Vywamus has just recently taken, for the purpose of accelerated ascension activation.
We call forth Sanat Kumara, Vywamus and Lenduce, for help in establishing each person’s Planetary and Cosmic Antakarana, back to each person’s Oversoul, Monad and to GOD.
We call Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron, the Elohim Councils, and the Archangels, for the permanent anchoring and activation of the Planetary and Cosmic Tree of Life.
We request the complete opening and activation of the Seven Cosmic Seals, and the Ten Sephiroth, as well as the Hidden Sephiroth of Daath.
We call forth from the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy, the anchoring and activation of all Fire Letters, Key Codes, and Sacred Geometries to help in this process.
We call to the Archangels for the full anchoring and activation of our 50 chakras which takes us through Planetary Ascension, and request as well, the anchoring and activation of our 330 chakras, taking us back to the GODHEAD.
We call for the permanent anchoring and activation of our Twelve Bodies, including the Solar, Galactic, and Universal bodies.
We call to Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Metatron, Archangel Michael and the Planetary Hierarchy, for the anchoring and activation of the Anointed Christ Overself Body, our Zohar Body, our Overself Body, our Electromagnetic Body, our Gematrian Body, our EKA Body, our Epi-Kenetic Body, our Higher Adam Kadmon Body, and the Lord’s Mystical Body, as described in The Keys of Enoch.
We call forth the permanent anchoring and activation of the 64 Keys of Enoch, in all five Sacred Languages.
We call forth the illumination of the 72 areas of the Mind, as described in The Keys of Enoch.
We call forth the Deca Delta Light Encodements and Emanations from the Ten Superscripts of the Divine Mind.
We call forth to Metatron, for the anchoring and activation of the 76 names of Metatron, to permanently flow through us.
We call forth the removal of all veils of Light and Time.
We call forth Djwhal Khul, Lord Maitreya, and Lord Buddha, for the permanent anchoring of the Greater Flame of the Monad and Mighty I Am Presence, into the Lesser Flame of the Personality and Soul incarnated on Earth.
We call to the Mighty Archangels, for permanent anchoring and activation of the Twelve Heavenly Houses, and Twelve Cosmic Stations.
We call to Lord Buddha, whose festival we celebrate this weekend, for the permanent anchoring and activation now, of the Planetary Sun and the Planetary Cosmic Heart, into the core of our being.
We call to Helios and Vesta, for the permanent anchoring and activation of the Solar Sun and the Solar Cosmic Heart, into the core of our being.
We call to Melchior, for the permanent anchoring and activation of the Galactic Sun and Galactic Cosmic Heart, into the core of our being.
We call to Melchizedek, for the permanent anchoring and activation of the Universal Sun and Universal Cosmic Heart, into the core of our being.
We call to the Mahatma and the Multi-Universal Logos, to now permanently anchor and activate the Multi-Universal Sun and Multi-Universal Cosmic Heart, into the core of our being.
We call to the GODHEAD, for the permanent anchoring and activation of the Ultimate Great Central Sun and GOD’s Own Heart, into the core of our being.
We call forth to the Source of Our Cosmic Day and Melchizedek, for the anchoring of the 43 Christed Universes.
We call forth to Melchizedek, to initiate each person attending this celebration, into the Order of Melchizedek.
Melchizedek, we ask you to do this now with your Rod of Initiation, if it is each person’s individual free choice to receive this blessing at this time.
We ask that each person who has inwardly given this permission, receive the Rod of Initiation directly from you Melchizedek, with no Earthly person needed as an intermediary in this process.
Melchizedek told me that this next activation might be the single most powerful activation and Blessing of this entire meditation.
We call forth the entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, and hereby collectively request a complete merger of the Light bodies of all the inner plane Masters in attendance with this Group Body in this room, both individually and collectively.
We call forth GOD, the Mahatma, Melchizedek, Metatron, Elohim Councils, Archangel Michael and the Archangels, to now anchor from the Cosmic Treasury of Light, the Light Packets of Information from the Tablets of Creation, the Elohim Scriptures, the Torah Or, the Cosmic Ten Commandments, and the Cosmic Book of Life.
We now call forth from the entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, and all the inner plane Masters that each person has brought with them to this festival, for a combined Light Shower the likes of which this world has never known before.
Let us begin the closing process of this meditation by repeating out loud together the famous mantra from The Keys of Enoch:
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai, Tsebayoth Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord GOD of Hosts!!!
We now call forth our inner plane Spiritual Hosts, and request now to be taken together in our group Merkabah, back into our physical bodies and back into the room.
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© 2025 Created by Richard Lukens.
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