Architects of a New Dawn

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Alex Chao's Comments

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At 11:54pm on March 8, 2010, Marinspin said…
How are you? I have not been around here lately myself. I am dying to know what you are doing these days.
At 1:44am on May 1, 2009, Marinspin said…
Wow how many dogs do you own these days? Have you used you zapper much and what results have you gotten? Someone is asking about them in the forum in a thread titled Healing or something like that.

How is school and how are you doing? I am leaving for Germany and treatment in June and excited to be going.
At 3:08pm on February 23, 2009, Alex Chao said…
How the heck did I get this photo with the globe and hands?? lol...I don't get this site...hahaha. But it's nice.
At 3:07pm on February 23, 2009, Alex Chao said… for the Valentine's!

I haven't checked in awhile. Just had a final today...whew. Another one down.

It was Jesse, my youngest dog's birthday yesterday! He is 4! My baby is now in his late 20s! haha
At 11:09am on February 14, 2009, Marinspin said…
At 1:20am on February 8, 2009, Marinspin said…
You must be happy to have that test out of the way.
At 1:20am on February 8, 2009, Marinspin said…
No my landlord brought home a cat to use as a mouser and it had already been named Puma by its first owners. I use to call my cat Java Bean - and Puma for short.

I feed Puma wet food from Whole Foods when she is under my care but normally he feeds her dry junk food from Costco and the chocolate lab dry Costco junk food too. He neglects his pets and they never get to go to the vet or even go inside even in a bed storm. The dog is allowed in for 15 minutes at night and that is it. Puma sleeps on my deck in a bed I bought her.

I think wet food can be good to keep them hydrated especially as they get older. I have a friend who use to be a vet tech and she always feeds her cats wet.
At 11:43pm on February 7, 2009, Alex Chao said…
I'm sorry..Puma? Is that the same Puma from you know where?? the old site??

Thanks for the congrats on the test.

What do you feed your herd? Jarod has to get Science Hill Prescription food...C/D...but he loves it. I've never seen an animal who loves prescription Even Ethan is jealous because he's still on dry food (but I wet it to keep those urinary tract flushed)
At 5:17pm on February 7, 2009, Marinspin said…
That is so cool that you aced it! I have a cat treat beggar here myself. My landlords are gone so I am now the can opener too. In fact I am about to go feed the herd of two.

Puma did post earlier today about the lack of treats in the short story section here.
At 8:17pm on February 6, 2009, Alex Chao said…
It did go well. I aced the exam, if I may say so myself. Studied hard for it; doesn't come easy for me. Jarod and Ethan are definitely tired of me studying, especially Ethan. He would come up to the den, where I have desk, and paw me, and jump on my desk to get attention. What I think he really wants is for me to follow him downstairs and give him cat treats.
At 11:52am on February 3, 2009, Marinspin said…
I hope the final goes well too! Let me know. I wonder if Jared and Ethan are getting tired with all the studying? Do they help you at all with any of the test preparations?
At 11:50am on February 3, 2009, Marinspin said…
I hope your quiz went well. I have missed you. I have dealt with some lawyers in my day and most of them seemed greedier then smart. Of course there as to be some exceptions like in any profession I just have yet to meet them.

What made you pick law and what kind of law are you interested in working around?
At 2:47am on February 2, 2009, Marinspin said…
What no words yet in the writing section? I am speechless...
At 6:38pm on January 30, 2009, Marinspin said…
Hi Alex happy to see you here.


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