Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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At 9:46pm on January 14, 2009, Clint Shepherd said…
i am making a Michael Franti slide show just like the Joan Baez interview. also there is another guest on there that shares a story that he wrote. it was very moving you will also hear that. he also told about how the youth of today can change the world we live in. that was my first interview so i was very nerves but very very very excited to meet one of my favorite artist and talk to him about peace because that is what i am all about!! Mr. Santana and Mr. Franti are tied for my favorite artist.
At 2:08pm on January 14, 2009, Peace Portal said…
Hi Richard, Great site! Many thanks. I am the webmaster at We have a crew addressing the browser issue right now that causes Internet Explorer to crash, and should have that resolved soon. Actually, having that little bug probably gave us some wiggle room to work out other issues before the site gets too much traffic. We are creating a lot of programs and would enjoy communicating further with you. A networked peace concert (via web/studio/homes) sustainable-low/no cost production.
An enormous amount of work has been done so far and we are enjoying an amazing amount of synergy at the moment, fun time. Also putting together a sustainability camp this summer here in Oregon.
Thanks again for all your work here on this site, great to be here!
At 8:47am on January 14, 2009, Mark Josephson said…
yup, stopping climate change is our thing. Thats sounds great, I'd love to hear about this tree project. I'll be out most of the day. Perhaps we can actually talk in real life
tomorrow. Mark
At 8:13pm on January 13, 2009, Clint Shepherd said…
Hi Rick i am a DJ at 2 different stations and i am a big fan of Carlos. I have done some interviews in the past with Joan Baez and Michael Franti and if you would like to hear them then look on the website called: but you can only access it on firefox.
At 3:41pm on January 13, 2009, Karl Heinz von der Ruhr said…
Hi Richard, it's hot in WA, Broome... we're waiting on the big downpour... happy 4 you about Obama taking office... I'm working in the disability field with a client for the moment... that's fun... also check my site for the rest... please go to: - your're the man ... Karlo
At 9:53pm on January 12, 2009, Behleem said…
Hi Richard
Sending you Peace and Blessings from Hawaii.
just add some music to my page.
At 2:47pm on January 12, 2009, Ananara said…
Hi Richard I work with the Higher Realms through being a Divine Messenger.I also perform and sing the Language of Light and when I was in the US 2004 I recorded a CD called the Land Of One which is very relevant now 5 years later.I am wishing to travel Worldwide and sing in the songlines[The Grids of the Earth] and also be open to the guidance of Spirit you can see who I am on myspace/ananara as I am not so great on the Computor I have my friend set it all up blessings and this great Transition Time 2009 xxA
At 2:46pm on January 12, 2009, kat said…
Thank you for the Welcome .......... I found my way here via the global artist village site. Very grateful to have found this oasis! Looking forward to the sharing and meeting of any and all!

Love and Peace,
At 11:33am on January 12, 2009, Mark Josephson said…
Hi Rick,

Send me a email address and I'll send a current pdf. overview. Our website is now outdated as we've changed so much in the last six months but you can take a look at what we had been working on at We never completed the site and the music player is down so you can't hear all the songs. I 'm switching our website from a buggy Drupal community site to Ning and we and should be up soon.

In a nutshell, we are an non-profit using music and the arts to stop climate change. We have a campaign asking every musician to write one environmental themed song and dedicate one concert a year to the planet. We are planning a download music store in which profits go directly to preserving the rainforest and reforestation. Buy a song. Save the world.

I excited to hear more about what you are doing and see how we might play together. Deb and I have been planning a move to the bay area for a while, we're tired of LA. and have been feeling for some time we are supposed to be there. Seeing what you are doing just really reinforced that feeling. I'm going to try to take a trip up next month. Lets talk when you have some time. Keep up the amazing work!

Peace, Mark
At 11:23am on January 12, 2009, Adam said…
Hi Richard, thanks for the message. I was very pleased to come across this site! My wife forwarded it to me...

At 10:39am on January 12, 2009, Dawn Rose said…
Hi Richard,
I received an email about this site from a musician friend, and I'm always up for making the world a better place! I'm a musician, and have a new album coming out, so I'm also practicing my networking skills.
At 8:42am on January 12, 2009, oya said…
Well, a true friend and guide in life for better things and my closest celestial friend invited me, and it is how I happen to be here. We share much magic, and I'm sure in unison we can spread magic around too. Juan Salvador is the great man. I truly look forward to enjoying some of the finer part of the universe's population, and hopefully getting to consolidate some creative ventures through this site, or at least get started here. I would like to create ethical and educational games for the world, that shows the true way, as it was designed. I hope that you will contribute if you wish at any point or guide the way. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this organisation. Peace.
At 12:58am on January 12, 2009, Marvin Glenn said…
Thanks for the welcome, Richard. I am a singer/songwriter producing and offering my creations to people in hopes of uplifting, inspiring and empowering them by their own divinity. My website is .
I am manifesting effective ways to get my music out to people.
Abundant Blessings and Light to you for all you're doing for us and this planet.
Marvin Glenn
At 11:19pm on January 11, 2009, Eva Ariela Lindberg said…
Dear Rick, Thx for your note, I sent you also an email, I hope you got it.
I like your new site, great job, and a wonderful vision! Have a splendid day :)
With Sun-filled blessings, Eva Ariela
At 8:28pm on January 10, 2009, David Kam said…
Hi Richard,

I will call you next week. When is the best time to call you?

Let's change the world together!

David Kam
founder of the EARTHSHIP SUMMIT
At 8:48pm on January 9, 2009, Bob Sandoval said…
I know a lot of can read all about me on my myspace page:
Be talking with you, I'm sure.
At 6:51pm on January 9, 2009, carmen olea said…
Thanx, doll...
I envisioned it being done a la 'we are the world' with many voices.
Now to get it to Obama!!
ps. there is a video to it at
At 5:13pm on January 9, 2009, Geneva World Peace Festival said…
Dear Rick, Thanks. So Geneva World Peace Festival, located in the capital of Peace where 193 member states of the UN have based their mission, has been created to welcome all the peacemakers of the world. I will send you the power point presentation.
At 4:05pm on January 9, 2009, Bonnie Zimmermann said…
Hey could you send me the film crew photo to my regular email?
At 4:03pm on January 9, 2009, Bonnie Zimmermann said…
Tomorrow morning around 9 ish.


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