Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Sirah Vettese's Comments

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At 6:23am on April 20, 2010, Brent N. Hunter said…
Good morning Sirah! I wanted to leave an inspiring message for you to start your day:

Salutation to the Dawn

Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.

In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth
The glory of action
The splendor of beauty
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow only a vision
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore to this day!

Such is the salutation to the dawn.

- Kalidasa, Indian Poet
At 10:48am on September 21, 2009, stephen miller said…
"All glory to this Supreme Creative Pulsation of Consciousness which is
the abode of flashing, unparalleled delight, whose majesty of path
extends to far regions, from the Earth up to Siva, which is variegated
by the display of various states of creation, maintenance, and
withdrawal; and of whose extension this universe is just a minute
particle." -Ksemaraja. 10th C.
At 12:52am on September 3, 2009, hani said…
I LIV NAOW IN refugee camp that took place AFTER my under occupation by the Nazi state of Israel AND ESRAIL Nazi STEEL MY HUOME AND MY LAND NIC TOO MET YOU CAN W E BEE F RIND
At 12:41am on September 3, 2009, hani said…
i waet you in msn or yahoo for taalk and is you ar very nic
At 5:52pm on August 18, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Hi Sirah... hope all is well with you... would love to connect some time...

At 11:07am on June 10, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Hi Sirah... still wanting to connect on our project here... I am going to start work on our live launch event for next spring and want to touch base on ideas... etc...

Wishing you the best,

At 9:58am on March 23, 2009, The Ancient One said…
Life - Charlotte Bronte

LIFE, believe, is not a dream
So dark as sages say;
Oft a little morning rain
Foretells a pleasant day.
Sometimes there are clouds of gloom,
But these are transient all;
If the shower will make the roses bloom,
O why lament its fall ?

Rapidly, merrily,
Life’s sunny hours flit by,
Gratefully, cheerily,
Enjoy them as they fly !

What though Death at times steps in
And calls our Best away ?
What though sorrow seems to win,
O’er hope, a heavy sway ?
Yet hope again elastic springs,
Unconquered, though she fell;
Still buoyant are her golden wings,
Still strong to bear us well.
Manfully, fearlessly,
The day of trial bear,
For gloriously, victoriously,
Can courage quell despair !
At 10:44am on March 9, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Hi Sirah... boy I am trying to hang in there.... so much going on these days... I'm sure that is true for everybody... let me know if you get to the SF area... it would be so great to catch up in person and see where we go from here...

At 5:32pm on March 4, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello, Sirah! I thought I'd stop by and see how you are doing today.
At 1:04am on January 22, 2009, Pierre said…
Dear Sirah, thanks for your message
ok, so dont you think it is time to visit again? (you can skip Zimbabwe this time). Another beautiful country to visit down here is Namibia. (I have assisted approx. 30 Americans with their itineraries to SA in the last 5 years).
Cold in Santa Monica at the moment?
warm regards
At 2:28pm on January 21, 2009, Peace Portal said…
Blessings Sirah and thank you for your friends acceptance!

May your life be filled with joy, prosperity, happiness, wisdom and Peace.
At 10:13am on January 8, 2009, Pierre said…
great!! when were you in SA? what do you think of the country - please be honest.
I think I saw a little bit of your town - I think it was during an Amtrak trip between San Diego and LA (am I on track here?) :-)))
At 3:17am on January 8, 2009, Pierre said…
Dear Sirah, are you a traveler? Ever been to Africa?
At 8:08pm on January 7, 2009, Michael Diamond said…
Thanks for your reply - nice to meet you too. The group I play electric guitar and synthesizers with ( performed twice with Dreaming Bear in Marin on his last tour - once in San Rafael and once in Novato. Perhaps you were at one of those events.
At 12:13am on January 7, 2009, Michael Diamond said…
Interesting synchronicity. I just joined this community today and noticed your name among the members as I browsed the site. Then a couple hours later I received an email from Dreaming Bear where your name was mentioned as a sponsor for one of his appearances. I play in a band called SpiritMoves that performs with Dreaming Bear when he visits the SF Bay area. It's a small world.
At 11:34pm on January 6, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
It was great speaking with you today... let's continue the conversation soonest...
At 8:21pm on January 3, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Thanks for your loving thoughts... what a great gift to see you here...

At 7:35pm on January 3, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Thanks for joining Sirah.... I hope we can make this a useful site for fellow travelers...


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