Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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At 11:29pm on February 9, 2009, Marinspin said…
One Nepali man who is a member here knows my ex Nepali BF from many moons ago when I was traveling through Nepal. It is a really small world.

I told Nike today I think you did have relatives who lived near where I grew up.
At 11:27pm on February 9, 2009, Marinspin said…
I have seen him walking around the Mall in Corte Madera and driving around San Rafael. My friend's husband knows him.
At 11:21pm on February 9, 2009, Marinspin said…
It is a very small world! I was in the Philippines once and some guy said he recognized me because he had met me in S. America in Columbia. I said no you did not and he said "I did and you are wearing the same dress you had on when I met you" and he was right.
At 11:18pm on February 9, 2009, Marinspin said…
I had your aunt for a teacher I am pretty sure and I liked her. I bet she knew my mom too because they were both in the Dixie School District and so was my friend's mom Mrs. Guthrie.
At 11:15pm on February 9, 2009, Marinspin said…
I think your uncle was there when I was there I sort of remember him but he never was my teacher. I took French at TL. not that I was any good at it. I think at some point like maybe Junior High your uncle's wife was my teacher. Does his wife teach Junior High? My dad use to teach at the school for the Blind in Berkeley and his friend who named me and was sort of like my God Father was Berthold Lowenfeld Superintendent of the California School for the Blind and one of the world's leading experts on teaching Blind children in his day. My parents met Bertold and his wife in Canada hiking when they were driving out from NJ to move away from the snow. He offered my dad a job in Berkeley and I was born after my dad started his job and that is how we ended up living in the Bay Area.
At 10:39am on February 9, 2009, Marinspin said…
I wonder if I know your family? Have they lived in Marin a long time?

I grew up in Lower Lucas Valley in the berry streets and went to Terra Linda High until I dropped out and went to a hippie school on a farm up north of the Russian River. My mom was the librarian at a school in Terra Linda.
At 10:38am on February 9, 2009, Dwight Loop said…
Yes, I lived in ABQ from 77' through 86 and in Santa Fe from 88 through 96'. If you read my little bio you'll see some references to what I was up to then!

Loved your HOPI material. New Mexico and that vibe resonates so strongly in me still. It is the home for my ancestral soul, I feel.
At 2:01am on February 9, 2009, Frizzey Greif said…
♥ ♥ ♥
Thanks for the friendship

heartly welcome in
Frizzey Lights World
♥ ♥ ♥
At 12:27am on February 9, 2009, Marinspin said…
Let me know the next time you plan to visit.
At 12:23am on February 9, 2009, Marinspin said…
Yes I live in Marin. I was born in Berkeley and moved here when I was 6 years old. I have lived in Asia off and on and moved to Brazil once and only lasted two days once I made it down to Rio. I tried to move to Maui and lasted two months. My latest move was to Bali in 2005 but I did not like Bali anymore so for some reason I always return to Marin. Maybe because it is so dang beautiful here.

What town does your family live in? I am as West as one can get here at the moment. I have lived in many places in Marin.

I keep dreaming of living in the tropics and may try to move again sometime. The grass is always greener some place else.
At 9:41am on February 8, 2009, Nike said…
Hi Phillip,
Sorry--- I just got your message (yes, I "lost" my phone, go ahead and laugh!) so i'll catch up with you (as soon as i find the charger! smile)-- I have a story to tell you!!! Nike
At 9:38am on February 8, 2009, Etienne Houben said…
Hey Philip! Mike Carabello is a fine percussionist! He invented that early Santana sound...wooden congas! So mellow! Have tons of audio of him playing.
At 11:15am on February 7, 2009, Dwight Loop said…
Hi Phillip. I feel we might have met some time ago in Santa Fe....a long time resident of New Mexico...and connected, very much to the Hopi spirit of the place that is the Enchanted Lands!
At 3:29pm on February 6, 2009, Bonnie Zimmermann said…
Nice page! Love the Larry Mitchell video. What's amazing about Carlos music is that it just transforms you and takes you somewhere else!
At 5:28am on February 6, 2009, Emilio J said…
Hey Phillip, thanks so much for the invite......It's so great, that a site has been established to bring together Fans of Carlos and his music !!

Regards !
At 2:09am on February 6, 2009, Kinichi Motoi said…
great! you are happy man.
At 2:08am on February 6, 2009, Kinichi Motoi said…
Hi Phil
It 's gerat.I will send to you santana cdr.
At 8:23pm on February 5, 2009, kathleen targal said…
Hi Phillip, Just to clarify my comment about Derek Trucks and success,like Carlos, Derek won't compromise his integrity or heart. Hopefully, Carlos can guide him on dancing the bridge over the chasm they call the music industry and be a success with grace and truth in his heart. Peace.
At 2:23pm on February 5, 2009, kathleen targal said…
Hi Phillip, I never saw the video or heard what Carlos said. As usual, Carlos is right on. Warren Haynes and Allen Woody turned me onto Derek in 1997 and i was fortunate to see DTB many, many times back when they were playing crappy little bars and the itinerary made geographical sense. I think i'm happier about Derek's success than he is!!
At 10:50am on February 5, 2009, Nike said…
Dear Phillip,
Oh, I'm so sorry--- somehow I didn't think these kinds of things happened to YOU, too! (smile)
isn't this a great time, tho? Finally, good prevails!!!
Mom says "hello", too
Love, Nike


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