Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

AlwaysLove4U's Comments

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At 7:03pm on July 6, 2009, Lori said…
You are so inspirational, I love all your words of wisdom and beautiful pictures. Keep the love going. Love always, lit'l sis
At 11:32am on June 5, 2009, Henning Stumm said…
Hey AlwaysLove4U,
just stoppin' by to show some love in return. peace and blessings.
One Love
At 5:42pm on May 31, 2009, Marinspin said…
Just saying hi!

MySpace 60s 70s 80s
At 5:08am on May 24, 2009, Sophia Dracopoulou said…
Hello... it's nice to have a friend like you.... love is the most important feeling in our lives... make us more "HUMAN"...
kisses from Greece....
At 6:44pm on May 7, 2009, Lenita said…
Thank you for the friendship!
Have a magical weekend!
Love and blessings to you!

At 2:36pm on May 3, 2009, Celeste said…
HELLO!!! BEAUTIFUL page! i LOVE LOVE LOVE this energy from this page!!!!! please please add me as a friend .. wow this is great!!!! HUGS TO YOU darling
Angels Pictures, Images and Photos
At 1:03pm on April 24, 2009, David Tharp said…
Thanks for the Add an all your great bulletins :-)
At 9:11am on April 20, 2009, saintlyanne said…

Penetrate the heart of just one drop of water, and you will be flooded by a hundred oceans.
~ Mahmûd Shabistarî ~
At 7:59am on April 20, 2009, Alexander said…
Thanks for the comment
"A change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves"
Don't wait for a change in the weather, Tomorrow never comes.
At 4:46am on April 20, 2009, The Ancient One said…
Follow the wisdom provided by nature. Everything in moderation - sunlight, water, nutrients.
Too much of a good thing will topple your structure.
You can't harvest what you don't sow. So plant your desires, gently nurture them,
and they will be rewarded with abundance.

- Vivian Elisabeth Glyck, 1997
At 11:47am on April 19, 2009, Ron Alexander said…
Don't be content with looking at a rose as beautiful flower. Look at her with Love, so that she enters into your heart and awakens other forces in your heart and soul.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
At 8:43pm on April 18, 2009, Ron Alexander said…
Love Marley's ONE LOVE!

Joy is the realization of our soul's oneness with supreme love. Tagore
I really am inspired by your page. Thanks for adding me on as friend! a cosmos of blessings, Ron
At 5:25pm on April 18, 2009, Irene Brautigam said…
Okay it starts in English and I thought I detected tagalo. It would be interesting to find out.
At 10:50am on April 18, 2009, Irene Brautigam said…
Hello AlwaysLove4U
Thank you for your friend request and I am happy to accept. I look forward to networking with you here in this group. What language is this beautiful song in? I don't recognize it. Have a wonderful weekend.
At 4:58pm on April 17, 2009, Ernesto Angulo said…
Thank you for the invite, Site is too cool, Music flows with the written words very inspiring. Peace
At 1:01pm on April 17, 2009, Louis Grenier said…
I love your site, it's words, sights and music! So much fun, so much light. Thank you for the invite!
At 11:43am on April 17, 2009, Jeff Hutner said…
Love your aesthetic. You can license images and release a line of cards. You have a real talent. Is that your photo in the last image?
At 8:25pm on April 16, 2009, AkashicWreckage said…
Thank you for the friendship~~
I look forward to learning about you!
At 4:43pm on April 16, 2009, Jeff Hutner said…
This is a stunning image and wonderful thought. I hope you are going to print it as a greeting card and make available to members on this site and the world.

All my best,


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