Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Mermaid sutra's Comments

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At 5:16pm on August 4, 2010, MOO AND THE HOLY GRAIL said…
lol. had to post sun-face cause it matched yer wallpaper! lol i will find that link now :)
At 3:08pm on August 4, 2010, MOO AND THE HOLY GRAIL said…
i love you mermaid sutra! :)

@joshua camozzi milligan
At 7:48pm on August 3, 2010, MOO AND THE HOLY GRAIL said…
thank you most beautiful mermaid goddess of the sea :) i will say hello to snoogy for you and most definitely share photos of the wedding! tell merlin i said hello! lol
At 6:42pm on August 3, 2010, MOO AND THE HOLY GRAIL said…
yes :) we are sooooooo in love still mermaid! more than ever! more and more each day! lol (that's what they say, right?) getting married soon in the forest! :))))
At 6:32pm on August 3, 2010, MOO AND THE HOLY GRAIL said…

At 6:08pm on August 3, 2010, MOO AND THE HOLY GRAIL said…
mermaid! i'm SHOCKED to find you here! how wonderfully awesome! :))))
At 5:13pm on January 10, 2010, Gerald del Campo said…
Thank you for counting me amongst your friends.
At 8:32pm on December 5, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
Ikko! Eco!!!
I'm so glad the machine reached you without damage--Happy you have your good water--You are so welcome for everything! I'm in Hawaii, Big Island for a few more daze--
loving it, soaking it in, feeding my spirit. Love to you n Uchu
At 10:29pm on April 21, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
Good evening E
How are you & U? Me is good, long day at art gallery where I work, then dinner with Chun
(another Yu!) thanks for all the great videos you put on the site, I don't know how you put
other people's videos up, maybe sometime you can show me.
Its been quite hot here (for San Francisco--80's & 90's) my garden went crazy with a tremendous growth spurt, I will send photos, tomorrow is the 1st time in weeks that I may have a little chance to harvest, prune & commune with the plants. (some of my most blissful moments) Went to Seattle for my spiritual path, MasterPath which I have been on for 5 years, deeply connected to my soul. Then visited old friends as I used to live in Seattle in a past lifetime (within this lifetime) very sweet reconnection, great friends.
Feeling grace & openness
happy to be your friend
goodnight to You two (U too)!
At 10:33pm on April 19, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
I've been out of town over the weekend
home now but very tired
will catch up tomorrow
thanks for the great recipes
my mission is still in the planning stages so don't give up on me
just waiting for time & Inpiration
lot of love, to you & U
At 10:46pm on April 14, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
I'll work on it
have to send on his other email
will check in tomorrow with my inspirations
have a good rest you two beauties
At 9:29pm on April 14, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
oh yeah right, just get me started & then run away! okay but I'll sign BOTH our names
if you don't help me come up with something funny
Dania the Demented
At 9:13pm on April 14, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
what have you got in mind? that he's so hot that wasabi pales in comparison?
get me going here girl & I'll play along
hugs to you & Uchu
At 3:00pm on April 14, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
Eco & Uchu!
I'm sorry I missed saying aloha as well, had to rush off to get to work on time, thought I'd see you again that week. It was a treasure to meet you both, very happy for the connection to your gracious & creative energy. I will stay in touch.
Many mahalos,
At 5:22pm on April 11, 2009, Chun Yu said…
Hey Ikko! Great to be your friend here-will email you more later...
Have a beautiful day!
xoxo C:
At 3:52pm on April 11, 2009, Konda Mason said…'s you! I was wondering who mermaidsutra was????
what a wonderful meal that night we met! yum yum!!!
still waiting for the friend.

much love & light
At 5:13pm on April 2, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
Thank you for a tasty, healthful, beautifully prepared & served feast.
We all had a delicious time last night. I feel honored to have met you & hope for more time together.
Warm regards,
At 9:01am on April 2, 2009, Marta Getty said…
Ikko...I have just read your "about me" on your site. You have such wisdom to offer all of us through your story. THANK YOU!!
At 8:40am on April 2, 2009, Marta Getty said…
It's good to be here...however I found the article from dark night of the soul on how the saints and angels are on strike to be a little discomforting, especially as I sit by my mother's side and call on them. I guess it is all in our own perceptions..what do you think?
At 5:08pm on April 1, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
Thank you dear Eco
see you in a few hours


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