Architects of a New Dawn

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Amy MacWhirter's Comments

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At 8:29pm on March 2, 2009, Marinspin said…
That is so cool you like your new doctor! I was feeling crummy but took more D3 and had some ginger too and then went to yoga and at the moment I am good.
At 2:28pm on March 2, 2009, Marinspin said…
I hope your appointment went well and that you really like your new MD.

I am taking extra D3 and cell salts because I feel like I am fighting off a cold or the flu or something... I can't wait to hear about your new doctor.
At 8:33pm on March 1, 2009, Marinspin said…
Tell me any symptoms that are bothering you have and I can tell you what cell salt might help. I like to study them. I have my friend Cactus taking mag phos and sometimes it does help her headaches. Lyme uses up magnesium and babs iron.
At 8:31pm on March 1, 2009, Marinspin said…
You can google cell salts and get lots of good info about them. Mag phos can help with pre period headaches. I just took some Ferrum Phos right now. I have been forgetting to take it. Take some the next time right before you go on a walk. It is good for exercise.
At 6:02pm on March 1, 2009, Marinspin said…
You can take the Ferrum phos for eternity and it is just a mineral and very safe especially in the 6 x dose. I think at your age even if you did not have Lyme or babs (babs eats up iron) you would need some just being female. If you get really bad vertigo it is even safe to take it every 15 minutes.

Do get the book Nature's 12 Magic Healers and at some point buy all 12 of the different cell salts. Safe to give to pets too and babies too. I keep all 12 around at all times. They each are helpful for different things.

You did say you saw Dr. Sherr. Let me know how your appointment goes tomorrow. I hope it goes well!!!! I am not thrilled with any of my LLMDs lately at all. Less then thrilled to put it nicely but I do like my new acupuncturist.

The cell salts are truly amazing at times. Make sure to not touch your fingers to the tabs and shake them into the cap and then under the tongue to melt. I take them all the time. Any cell salt that ends with the words phos will help you sleep at night too. I can tell sometimes when I am low on Ferrum Phos because I will wake up looking pale white.

I wonder if the bactrim is using up your iron too? I think abx can do that. When I am low on iron sometimes I get anxiety too.
At 3:39pm on March 1, 2009, Marinspin said…
Arginine foods list:
At 12:43am on March 1, 2009, Marinspin said…
Have you ever read this article?

by Virginia T. Sherr, MD
At 5:44am on February 28, 2009, Ramesh M. Shani said…
Thank you Amy for wishing a wonderful weekend to me. Tomorrow I am having a resident guest from evening till 3 following days and expect to be busy and enjoying with him.
And your week end just started ha!
At 7:27pm on February 27, 2009, Marinspin said…
I found Patel's website and he uses BioSet and NAET too which some think is helpful. Funny I never heard about Patel before... when are you seeing him? I like the fact he uses homeopathy.
At 7:14pm on February 27, 2009, Marinspin said…
I use to love to put lemon in my rice.. when I cooked it but the lemon rind and juice hurts my stomach. Also citrus I think is not good for at least one of the things we all seem to have just like the almonds are not... it does get tough to find things we can eat at times...

Anyway feel better and ferrum phos is a good cell salt to take for females and especially babs patients anyway.
At 7:08pm on February 27, 2009, Marinspin said…
I hope you feel better. I had horrible vertigo and could barely walk unless leaning against the wall while on Tibetan herbs. I thought that was from the herbs at the time but maybe it was the herbs and babs fighting it out looking back on it??

Is Patel located around here? I never heard of him before.
At 9:14pm on February 26, 2009, Marinspin said…
I say use your intuition about the almonds. I love making almond milk but if I drink more then a tiny glass of it it created health problems for me but it might not due the same for you.
At 9:12pm on February 26, 2009, Marinspin said…
I did take ferrum phos for vertigo. I have a book on all of the 12 different cell salts called Nature's 12 Magic Healers. I keep all 12 types around all the time because each one helps with different things.
At 8:42pm on February 26, 2009, Ramesh M. Shani said…
Thank you Amy for the friends invite. I love having loving friends! I am glad Marinspin has jumped into the wagon of improving physically and mentally. She was suffering so much. I am sure she will continue to improve. These ning. site are meant to support one another and only those whose karmic vibs meet at cross roads give and take energy and move on.

imikimi - Customize Your World!
At 7:30pm on February 26, 2009, Marinspin said…
I never took or was offered Bactrim - it seems to be the in med lately and everyone seems to be on it.
At 7:28pm on February 26, 2009, Marinspin said…
Your amaranth sounds super yummy. Do you use the canned coconut milk? What kind of MD is Patel? I have about had it with my current LLMD.
At 6:17pm on February 26, 2009, Marinspin said…
Do you just cook amaranth like other grains? I have never cooked it before. I know it is suppose to be really good for you.
At 6:15pm on February 26, 2009, Marinspin said…
I almost bought some untreated almonds today at the local herbalist but then I remembered Dr. F. in Arizona is now telling people to not eat nuts or foods containing high arginine in it in order to treat BLO because he now thinks it is a protozoan and that high arginine foods like nuts feed it.
At 6:12pm on February 26, 2009, Marinspin said…
Ferrum phos is really iron but in a homepathic form that melts under your tongue. You can google it. I buy it by Hylands at Whole Foods or any good health food store in a 6 x dose which is light weight but works. There are 12 different minerals (cell salts) and they are a sub group of all the homeopathics because they are just minerals only.

How are you treating your babs?
At 5:54pm on February 26, 2009, Marinspin said…
I hope you are feeling better! Today was day 4 of yoga classes and then I went for a long walk this afternoon. Not long for a "normal" person but long for me. I am trying to exercise my way to improved health.


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