Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Jeanette McDermott's Comments

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At 4:27pm on January 18, 2009, Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters said…
Hi Jeanette,

I tried to put a link of Care2 on my page, according to your explanation. It didn't work. I tried it with the explanation on the Care2 site self. It didn't work. So now I just took the easiest way :-) I'm just not a wizz-kid.
Well all that matters is, people can now link to the Care2 site.

I just read your comment on Beverly's page. I know what you mean and I sure know what you feel when you're saying: "I struggle with the reality of what's happening to wildlife and their habitat." I feel that struggle too and sometimes it just hurts too much. Sometimes it makes me desperate and I get distressed and depressed. But than I remember there are still so many beautiful things left. And Mother Earth and its creatures need us to speak up for them, to fight for them.
With my photos I want people to see how beautiful animals are, all animals. And how beautiful nature is. This is my way of contributing.

Good to know we are both 'fighting' for the same things.

Love and warm regards,
At 11:17am on January 18, 2009, Marc said…
I looked at the photo again and did not see any severed heads. Perhaps I missed something or perhaps it was the painting on the urn beside her which triggered your concern. In addition Veda appears to be leaning on a wooden sculpture and I now she responded that the tusks on it were carved an painted. Perhaps her transgressions were not as deep as you feared. I hope there is still some common ground between you and that perhaps this was a misunderstanding that can be rectified. In any case it is between the two of you. You both have my hope and compassion in this misunderstanding....

Be well.
At 8:01am on January 15, 2009, Marc said…
I would like to offer Veda and Jeanette an opportunity to start over, to try and understand the nature of their misunderstanding. This community is going to have more misunderstandings, and quitting the site is not going to teach any of us how to weave a new cooperation into the world.

Veda, please reconsider leaving,

Jeanette, please consider what you may be able to do to establish a connection with Veda based on the common love of animals you both still share.
At 5:29am on January 15, 2009, Beverly said…
Jeanette you have a beautiful page. I have been very slow to put any personality to mine. I promised a couple of others already I would put a photo up. I don't like photographs of myself is one reason I have hesitated. You have motivated my to update next week (how's that for procrastination). I am a part time artist and part time massage therapist going through a lot of changes and searching for a meaningful way to move further out into the world. I did some soul searching last night and asked myself what I was looking for - the answer came pretty quickly - I want to be part of an active community of people willing to take chances and believe in success. Willing to believe in themselves and everyone else and the possibility of positive change. Willing to be a child and see the joy and wonder in the world that balances the sorrow and despair. Willing to follow their heart and not just the rules. Of course in looking for that outside me, I am looking for that in myself first. Happily, I am finding some of those people at this site. By the way, I haven't read all the articles on your site yet, but I love the photo "Keep your coins, I want change".

From my heart to yours - Beverly
At 2:43am on January 15, 2009, Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters said…
Hi Jeanette,

I Love your page! And I have great respect for all the things you're doing.
All causes I care for as well.
How did you get the link of Care2 on this page? I tried, but unfortunately failed.

Love and warm regards,
At 11:29pm on January 14, 2009, Pierre said…
do you know about the next World Wilderness Conference in Merida, Mexico this coming November? Just thought you might be interested.

warm regards
At 9:49pm on January 14, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Wow.... you are going to it on your page here... welcome from Costa Rica... what a shining star....
At 7:57pm on January 14, 2009, Brooks Cole said…
You are brilliant and extraordinary and radiant and I can't wait to cross pollinate! Here's a bit of what I do:




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