Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Massimo's Comments

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At 6:38am on April 20, 2010, Brent N. Hunter said…
Good morning Massimo! I wanted to leave an inspiring message for you to start your day:

Salutation to the Dawn

Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.

In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth
The glory of action
The splendor of beauty
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow only a vision
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore to this day!

Such is the salutation to the dawn.

- Kalidasa, Indian Poet
At 11:00pm on October 5, 2009, Lorenzo Abbiati said…
The power of meditation and the welfare of natural life do empower our soul.
At 10:31pm on October 5, 2009, Liz Cadena said…
Hi Massimo,
I've never been to Canino but I've driven around it. About 10 years ago, I drove from Frankfurt Germany to Zurich to Milano to Firenze to Roma then up to Genova then back. It was the best time. I've been back twice more to Italia which is such a wonderful country.
Love & Joy,
At 5:53am on October 2, 2009, Judianne said…
Nice to have you.

How are things in Italy?
At 2:47pm on October 1, 2009, Judianne said…
From one Italian to another... welcome to my world.


At 10:34pm on September 28, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Hi Massimo... so nice to have you here on the Architects site... welcome... looks like you brought many friends with you...

Let us know what's up in Italy...

At 11:49am on September 27, 2009, Adrianna Dawn Moser said…
Thankyou for asking to be be my friend here. Adrianna Dawn
At 9:49am on September 26, 2009, Steve St Clair said…
HI Massimo,

Thank you for adding me as a friend. I am new to this and look forward to new friends, faces and places!

May all beings everywhere be Happy!
At 4:45am on September 26, 2009, Silja Saareoks-Kaldre said…
I wish you the best too, with every side of your life!
At 12:07pm on September 25, 2009, Silja Saareoks-Kaldre said…

You've got nice photos that you've uploaded!
At 1:57am on September 25, 2009, Dorella Rosi said…
Dear Gong Master,

Welcome to "Architects of a New Dawn" I am honored to have you on my friends list. This is a very active group and you can join the other groups of your interest such as the "music" group.
Looking forward to see your posts.


Dorella Rosi


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