Architects of a New Dawn

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Ingo's Friends

  • Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
  • Brian Sullivan
  • Aanica
  • YahWeh_{Eeah'ooay}
  • susan
  • Colleen O'Rourke
  • Cindy Ankney
  • Dr. Sohiniben Shukla
  • Shamshir Rai Luthra & Friends
  • chloe taylor
  • Gysette
  • Susan Travers
  • Teresa Hernandez

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Mat 5:48)

Introduction - Testimony

Thank you for your invite and welcome and if I may, I would like to introduce myself to you.

I am a young 67 yr old male German.... and please forgive my bad English.

If you are asking me who Jesus Christ is for me and what he has done for me...

First of all, I found Jesus to be my Healer and Comforter 23 years ago, when only a couple of weeks away from a decent cemetery in Bavaria... with bone cancer in my shinbones (half eaten through), my coccyx, my elbows as well as holes in my skull plus organs full of metastases.... after a sinful life packed with alcohol, much food and adultery.....

No income in those days and since those days.... no insurance, no medical aid, no social security, plain nothing in regard to money and help...

In January 87, Jesus Christ came into my life very much like He came into the life of dear Paul....

Today I am back in the pink of health ..... have gone through a life like Job in the past 19 years, while Jesus Christ helped me to get detached from the world and attached solely to Him.... it has been a journey through a lot of hells made by people which He had allowed to cross my path in order to find out how much I would trust Him.... which then turned into LOVE for HIM, which is HIS Love for me, a spiritual gift.

At a given time, which He knows best, I was able to realize that He truly is my Father... the Father of us all since time immemorial....

Until He found me and picked me up, He hadn't played a role in my life as a businessman with two companies in New York and three companies in Munich, Germany.

But He had other plans with me.

Well ... so far I have covered Jesus Christ the Healer, when I was fatally ill with no human aid in sight,... the Comforter when I went through all sorts of hells made by people who unbeknownst to them were serving our enemy....
The Father, Who was made flesh in Jesus Christ....

Since it is written that He does reveal Himself to those who love Him above all else in the world, I took this for truth and started to pray for His communication with me, the way it is written in the bible, by going "into the closet" in the silence of my mind and by praying to Him in my heart....

Well, this worked too and didn't come as a surprise He is a dear Father who will answer questions....and I started to never ever again follow common procedures or ceremonies and similar things, but to always go to Him first to
ask His advise.

So Jesus since became my adviser.... He, Who is the Wisdom, the eternal wisdom Himself.

I did ask Him many things in regard to the Bible and I did ask Him if it was true that He quit talking to people after the crucifixion, as I was told by all kinds of church people...

He showed me the opposite and led me to His sources, to His handmaidens and servants across the past almost 2000 years.... and there are large numbers of them.... and the more one talks with our Father in Heaven and the more one reads His Word in the Bible with His spirit given to us, the better one knows His voice and is able to tell false prophets from true prophets of God on the spot.

But again, as any skill in the physical world, this requires practicing, requires many conversations with Him in your heart (not with the lips,).... and after having been led through the centuries to get acquainted with all His servants and handmaidens, inside and outside of churches, I did ask Him about His whereabouts in our days... namely the past 200 years..... and He didn't take me right to His sources, but instead led me to many false prophets, in order for me to learn to differentiate the false but lovely words of Lucifer and his helpers from those of His true maids and servants, of whom it is written that before the end He shall reveal Himself to them in words and visions.....

So to answer your question, I can say He is not only my Father in Heaven Who was made flesh in Jesus Christ, but even more, He became my life.... and I didn't deserve this at all, but it was His plan of which I did not know, to not let me get lost in spiritual darkness, but to save me, redeem me, teach me every day, leading me on His way and making me act according to His will.

What else do I need?

I own nothing.. I still have no income at all, no savings, no secret funds...plain nothing.... I do have a home, my daily meals and LOTS of work spreading His WORD among the needy...and besides that, I do collect food surplus from shops with friends of mine and give it to the homeless, to widows with children, to foreigners, refugees....

He stopped me from going after the big names and first in the country to share His Word with them.... as it is written... but made me go after all the needy people in the streets.... and this shows, at least to me, how late it is... and how close the new earth and the new Jerusalem is....

So far I have not found anything He did with me which would contradict His teachings in the scriptures....

I did ask Him in 1987 to either take me up to Him or to make out of me a useful tool for Him..... I am still around and praise our Lord Jesus Christ for all the beatings I gladly take every day from lots of people most of which are much much wiser than GOD is.....

Did it come across Who Jesus Christ is for me?

I don't simply believe in Him or in the Bible - I know them to be the Truth in my heart of hearts, which is much more than just blind belief.

Yes, He is at least my Father and He wants to be the Father of all... but He can only become the Father again to those who have asked Him for His love in order to overcome their love for the world and anything and anyone in the world, like idols etc. ...

Love in Christ


PS: in these days I am distributing the Word of God, given to one of His maidens, which concerns His teachings about redemption and prophecy of the End of this World and the New Earth to come….. very soon. It gives the order of what is going to happen in our generation according to scripture, but not hidden but open for everyone to understand. - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde

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At 1:59pm on October 26, 2009, Ingo said…
Thank you, dear RJ for your kind wishes and blessings to you and your family.

At 1:46am on August 6, 2009, Ingo said…
Thank you, Teresa. Before I decided to walk the way of the Imitation of Christ, I did compare all sorts of religions myself until I had it and wanted TRUTH nothing but TRUTH.... and those that want nothing but truth will be led to the Eternal Truth, Jesus Christ, Who came into my life.
As long as you compare revelations here and there, you do not become what you read, but you are a collection of everything instead of becomíng Truth yourself, instead of becoming a living Word of God.

Think about it. It is your eternal life which is at stake and not mine.

There are many tools, mostly unknown to the public, such as "the imitiation of Christ" by Thomas de Kempis ...which enable people to get detached from this world but still live in this world and become ONE with God, which is our all reason for being on this earth as a soul in flesh.

His Word of Love and Truth, given to Bertha Dudde, is medicine, is comfort and gives strength, if one reads it NOT to compare but to "eat".... to "eat" His flesh.... HE, Who IS the WORD of TRuth and Love.

After submitting the life to Jesus Christ, a wise person asks Him to be lead into truth and things start to change in the life of such a person, which only then is saved for the Eternal life.... and who would not want to live eternally.

In His Love

At 1:24am on August 6, 2009, Teresa Hernandez said…
Ingo I think you should read T. Chase at this site:
His work is driven by a passion to deliver a message which he continues to research. I do not believe he channels information like Bertha Dudde. However much of what Bertha stated in her prophecy writings is also echoed and repeated by T. Chase. I found this strangely coincidental since I read your links from different portals : and www.architectsofanewdawn.
I am a teacher and researcher of religions and philosphy. I do this as a passion not a job. I have a strong desire to see how the world religions, prophecies, mind sets, belief systems and doctrine all merge and diverge. I am looking for common ground from diverse view points and I see that these common passions, truths are beginning to emerge ( for me) I'm certain that others have walked this path before me but to each spirit/soul there is a time for discovery...I am on that journey now. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and perspective. I will revisit Bertha's writings and compare them to others who are living now and sharing their understanding of things, events to come. Teresa
At 7:58pm on August 5, 2009, Teresa Hernandez said…
I have spent hours reading about the writings of Bertha Dudde following your links. Much of it co-incides with other readings I am familiar with from the Bible and Edgar Cayce. Who do you suppose is the person named John who precedes the return of Christ?


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