Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Lapdrey Akroyd
  • Male
  • Lisbon
  • Portugal
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Lapdrey Akroyd's Friends

  • Fernanda Ibarra
  • Yshatar Xzatara
  • Alixandra Sun
  • Mari
  • Brajanne Jacobs
  • Christina Seibold
  • Tom Merilahti
  • Maia Nartoomid
  • margo buccini
  • DeepForestWoman
  • Farida Magdalena Gillot
  • pedro sereno
  • Dr. Sohiniben Shukla
  • Leslie
  • chloe taylor

Lapdrey Akroyd's Page

:|: What I Am :|:

As a pilgrim of me in others, I search for an art of living, in the fullness of my personal pleroma of being, of being to be, of being to become and thereby to really be divinely human | humanly divine.

I search for growing, wingmaking me in an everlasting birth|death|rebirth from the ashes of me in the cauldron of every thing's alchemy, in the always surprising and challenging renewal of each blessing brand new day.

I therefore search for putting in common, for sharing, the highest and the deepest of me and others, as an act of beloving (with, within or without) and as a potential for be-coming me as a gracious gift to the others.

What I am and watch for keep being is to find myself (with others, the alter expressions of the cosmic Selfless Self) in the sprouting everywhere commonplace and common cosmic temple, so to always expand and transcend those very limits.

I proudly am one of the noble human race, and one in a permanent modeling process towards the everlasting perfection: I´m a mutant of body|soul|spirit in the pro|creative interaction of mind | body | consciousness.

I'm many things and no-thing, as being a flow in the no-where Now level of the vibrating consciousness diapason pattern.

:-: What I have as a goal in life :-:

I search for linking every thing with everything in what I use to call me, so to share every thing with everyone: to cross all levels with all camps as a waving pattern, as a conscious corpuscle in the complex|simplex system of being in|ex-istent for the eternal in|ex-stasy of Bliss.

It appears to me to be a more fruitful view to see us human beings as the potential pre-sequences of an open futuring Now in us, and not so much as the inactual "pro-duct" of the uncertain past of us. We have no past, no future: we have just Now, and beyond the dust of memories and the longing for the successive flux of the arriving Nows.

This is the node of the pathway in me, in the present Now I go by, through all and everything... in everyone I cross with.

:^: Tools and resources :^:

To live, to love, to lighten.
To be, to begin, to become.
To belove, to belong, to beget:
Before you,
beside me,
beyond us...

To everlast every evermore.
To silent, to speak, to converse.
To search, to share, to serve:
In Him,
to you,
for all...

:>: What I appear to be :<:

My work in progress is a life project with a vision for creative interlinking of:

:holoquantic consciousness
:dna activation
:holomorphic texture encodes
:sound healing empowerment
:complex system intelligence
:chaordic thinking processes
:collective wisdom
& alike.

I constantly search for co-runners in such a path to no-where's Land of Angels: the Land of Light Lambs of Bliss.

I'm a poet, a bard, a seer, a forerunner of the arousal of a reality transmutation, I mean, someone who does change reality by words empowered through in|outward power to serve.

There is a need for us for having|receiving a LOS (Light Operating System). The codes of it are:

: to live as an art is the art of divine living
: the new |con|Science gives us the needed programming links with the emergent new A(g)eon interfaces
: the opening of the New Discoveries Portal in this sacred motherland of Grail Port.
: the needed DNA activation of our body|ship for the next journey

As a poet, I live and receive words as they are mantric seeds for the coming empowering love|compassion shift.

Having wisdom, poetry, music and art as just the very same essential aliment of the full compound of body|soul|spirit, I live the act of eating as a reverent service towards these sacred three vehicles.

I'm an un-reality thinker: I see consciousness as the ability of things to be felt|thought as what they still aren't, by the divine-human power that enables us:

: to search for what we don't have in what we have,
: to find what we always loose of what we never had,
: to read what we aren't allowed to decipher
: and to mutate the very same reality as ever had been.

I intend to be the living divine paradox of all this.

In spite of my eternal soul|spirit, I'm just a man, a nana-creature in this cosmic immensity. But the ultimate reality is far beyond and within that... Indeed it "isn't"...

I'm serious about everything, like a child can be, that is to say: like an always young elder being, always doing the first steps in the brand new... everlastingly:

like a cosmic pilgrim,
like an endless and tireless voyager
of the metaquantic equation of life eternal.

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At 7:05am on April 20, 2010, Brent N. Hunter said…
Good morning Lapdrey! I wanted to leave an inspiring message for you to start your day:

Salutation to the Dawn

Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.

In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth
The glory of action
The splendor of beauty
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow only a vision
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore to this day!

Such is the salutation to the dawn.

- Kalidasa, Indian Poet
At 12:43pm on October 4, 2009, Nicki Lynn said…
Hello Lapdrey, From Denver Colorado, Just a quick Hi to wish you all the best and send you this inspirational video clip called "The Law of One" Blessings Nicki
At 7:34pm on August 3, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Lapdrey... thanks for joining the Architects site and getting right to it... I look forward to reading your post above...


At 5:23am on August 1, 2009, The Ancient One said…
It’s easy to act as if you are a weathervane, always changing your beliefs and words, trying to please everyone around you. But we were born to be lighthouses, not weathervanes. Imagine a vertical axis running through the center of your heart, from your deepest roots to your highest aspirations. That’s your lighthouse. It anchors you in the world and frees you from having to change directions every time the weather shifts. Inside this lighthouse there is a lens and a light. The light represents who you are when nobody else is looking. That light was meant to keep shining, no matter how dark or stormy it gets outside…when you find that light inside you, you will know it. Don’t let anyone else dim it…and one more thing: remember to look for the light inside others. If at first you can’t see it, look deeper. It’s there.

~ Robert Cooper Quote


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