Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Can't wait for this film to be released. It may be one of the most powerfully optimistic and empowering films to come along in many years. It's exactly whats needed in the midst of the structural breakdown of old paradigm systems-a new paradigm field of possibilty for us to play in; a new narrative, a new myth for our times. More on this and two other films on 2012 soon. May the energy of 2012 propel us forward and live in us as architects of a new dawn

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Comment by Erin Michelle on February 12, 2009 at 9:43pm
Solving our problems peacefully may be the catastrophic change so many people fear. What if the machines of war grind to halt not because we ask our leaders to commit heinous acts of war but we commit ourselves to a higher sense of purpose? We're building consciousness to sustain the shift. Thank you for shining the way.
Love, Erin
Comment by Aino Kivimaa on January 31, 2009 at 11:43pm
The time is so subjective. If our choice is to go on we can make our visions of the future to be in harmony, then our life just follows it. It still needs to understand that if we choose this change to happen on whatever the time it is (represented by our understandings about what the time is), it can be 2012, if we choose it. But only way to create the change is this particular moment, which is now and then it all appears in the future.
Incredibly positive message in this video!


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