We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
Cree Confederation - Contest Song - Gathering of Nations 2012 Friday
:-) The difference might be that any of the 'members' of your salad does not have an identity. The tomato is not aware of being a tomato nor is the lettuce. Flowers, greens and fruits simply serve for the act of serving. Each entity expresses naturally their unique perspective (which is effortless) despite of any political, national, racial labels or strain. To me being childlike does not exactly equal labeling yourself with national or racial identities.
To have pride in who we are is not the problem. What is the problem is that some feel superiority to be the chosen rulers of all. The native American was nearly exterminated because those who sought power and wealth brainwashed the nation through the "Manifest Destiny". These writing brainwashed many Americans to believe it was ok to exterminate a group of people. Believe me they were exterminated to gain control of their lands. No offense to the writer below but it seems to describe the melting pot is her vision. My response to her do you like a nice fresh salad? If so does do you blend your salad in a blender to not be able to taste the tomatoes, onions, fresh lettuce and dressing? We are all individuals who bring something to the table the issue is the love of power and money along with the lack of unconditional love. Unconditional love the acceptance of all no matter what the race or nationality is. "Only through the heart of a child will ye enter the kingdom of heaven"
God our father.
>> Unclutch from outer world identities - from these identities you carry, social identity, professional identity, racial identity, national identity - sometimes you think you identify yourself based on your religion, your country, your race, your caste, your community, your creed.
Please understand, this racial identity, national identity is responsible for millions of people dying every year in planet earth.
World´s worst terrorist - the worst terrorist on planet earth is racial and national identity.
Largest number of deaths on the planet is caused by national and racial identity. (...)
Unclutch from racial, social, professional and national identities.
You will see so much of peace, joy, bliss happening in you.
Universal intelligence awakens in you the moment you unclutch from low level identities.
The moment you unclutch from racial, national identities immediately the universal intelligence awakens in you.
His Holiness
Paramahamsa Nithyananda
PROUD TO NATIVE Always & FOREVER, I wished I could have attended this BIGGEST POW-WOW. DEB.
i don´t get...why indians are contesting in dance? And moreover on a concrete floor?
haven´t seen so many eagle feathers in one place all together. thats kind of impressive.
but unfortunately some of them have red ends which means the eagle had to die for giving these feathers. that is truly heart breaking. I do learn from that that looking behind appearances is important sometimes... Just because someone claims to be an indian and looks like him doesn´t mean he is. To kill an eagle for his feathers is just simply an absolut "No-Go".
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