Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Siddhar Rajaswamy Va Si Blessings & Ariven Vision

Siddhar Rajaswamy is a master of higher consciousness- a Tamil Siddhar. He gives His blessings from his hermitage in the Brahma Rishi Hills, Perembalur, South India through the Va Si. Siddhar ...
Siddhar Rajaswamy is a master of higher consciousness- a Tamil Siddhar. He gives His blessings from his hermitage in the Brahma Rishi Hills, Perembalur, South India through the Va Si.

Siddhar Rajaswamy blesses the Ariven Community for its vision of saving hundreds of thousands of retired cows and bulls on global scales- to be looked after in sanctuaries.

Va Si is an advanced yogic technique that deploys the kechari mudra, samadhi states and, of course, divine grace representing the awake kundalini that alights everyone in its Presence.

Va Si is the kundalini dance at the third eye. Sacred energy flows to alight the Ancient Presence to all who readily receive the vibrations of the primal union- of conscious samadhi.

The mantra He chants is the secretive Siddhi Namah Sivaya- seldom recited outside the Siddhar circle. Blessed of these moments of shared breath, it is grace that uplifts humanity.

The Ariven Community IHC, non-profit is a huge Vision. Founded by Tapasyogi Kalathi Adiyen Aadi Nandhi, its debut project Amma Sanctuary unfolds as a reality near Tirunelveli, Podigai Hills, South India.
We invite everyone to participate in this noble project:-
Where hunger on our planet is abolished
Where animals are treated with love and compassion
Where organic vegetarian food is grown and shared
Where as a global spiritual community, we are One
Where Mother Earth is sustained through eco-friendly solutions

Vision of Ariven: Passionate Compassion in Action:
Siddhar Rajaswamy:
Inspired by the journey beyond enlightenment:
Enlightening Marketplace:

May humanity arise in the awake consciousness of wisdom that enables each of us to be the prophets and masters of higher consciousness! May each of us be instruments of Source and in our breath, the ascendance of collective consciousness.

We are the messengers of peace, love and Oneness of Source!

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