Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

testo e musica di Lorenzo Abbiati

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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on November 9, 2014 at 10:54am

men and women.
us life is born
for me it's never finished
I hope these few rhymes
to say something sublime
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many women hate so much love
Men do not understand each other from the first stirrings
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in a world of thieves
born mothers
difficult in a society
stealing to those who struggle
understand a company
for those who did not give up
best lie to yourself
that living a life of excess
nothing better than to expect
then find themselves elsewhere
better to remain a sweet thought
a love untrue
is more difficult daily living
in the first eye smile
better to change identity
that deceive with falsehood
best feel good yourself
clear that others with pain
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but love gives is a miracle
how to stop watching a show
Love has never felt win.
remains forever as painting
love is a magical experience of voices
as a harmony which happened to be crossing
between a man and a woman you can exchange
what nature to both could not give
not just a meeting of amorous senatimenti
or looks attractive looks
Love is waking up from a dream
and have lost maybe a little 'pride
and regain what you've lost growing
Love is in sleep svegliasrsi
and fall into a deeper dream
Full real iin which no one is laughing stock
certainly before agreeing to do a little fall equation
do not let's all give it all to receive.
is to see your joy reflected in her and believe
that the joy is more beautiful to see her happy
but beware the power of love
is blinding if you lived with too much ardor
then a single man or a single woman
really choose to live this adventure
strong resonant and growing daily --- that makes you live without fear.


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