Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

WWGN Maya Interviews Arielle De Garie - Happiness
"20 000 lieues sur la Terre" is a non-profit association founded by Arielle De Garie and Stéphane Demers, whose mission is to bring back a documentary full-length film on global happiness: human images, the sound of the laughter of children, happy memories... In short, the upside of our blue planet, so that we can call into view the positives of our global history and help restore hope in what we are as human beings. We will bring back pictures and words that will make a difference, and give our earth and its people a platform to reveal their grandeur.

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Comment by Steve H on August 20, 2012 at 10:47pm

Nice work both of you! Thanks for sharing!
I would hope happiness for everyone comes from health and family and friends of course, but also from being aware and working to make things better. Noticing beauty and also noticing things that need to be fixed or changed or spoken about with one main important aware of what needs changing but do not let negative energy enter you or control you. See what needs done, do something (which can be praying, meditating, lending a hand, speaking up and on and on, all the Peaceful tools being used) and continue to spread positive energy, live simply, notice beauty, plant some trees, teach and so forth.
My main way of doing those things are through my project:
and part of that is
Please stay positive and active everyone!
Peace to All,


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