Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I am a vegetarian who enjoys mostly raw fruits and vegetables but on occasion buy organic salad dressings etc. and noticed a trend of soy being added to EVERYTHING. For some reason, everytime I added something containing soy I felt horrible ( tired, fuzzy head, muscle aches etc.) I started removing soy from my diet and once again felt great.
I started to look into why soy was making me feel so bad.. wondering if I just had an allergy to it or if other people were experiencing the same thing. I was shocked at what I found and wanted to pass it along to other vegans and non vegans who are even more at risk due to the fact that soy is replacing everything .. its replacing oils in salad dressing, mayonnaise, its in almost all protein drinks, baby foods, frozen dinners like healthy choice etc. And all the while boasting of the health benefits, when in actuality it is cancer causing, leads to developmental problems in children and the list goes on.

This poison (Soy) has become the new Fluoride of our time. Once again big industry pushing a toxic by product onto the public telling us how good it is for us. Please visit the links below to read more:

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Me personally I would highly not recommend to consume genetically mutated soy products. It is so often written with small letters, so it is hard to notice. Most of the soy oils available are mutated. Eating too much soy products causes me the problems also.
Thank you very much, Holly. This was a bit of an eye-opener. I did a little further research to find that the main producer of soy protein is a company called Solae. You've possibly never heard of them.

The Solae Company is an alliance between DuPont and Bunge Limited.

Now I'm sure you've heard of DuPont. Now, why would a huge pharmaceutical giant like DuPont be so keen to get soy protein into so many food products? Surely, they must have looked into the risks of cardiovascular disease, central nervous system disorders and cancer! Well, yes. They probably did.

Soy protein is just one of a huge array of products by DuPont, the most lucrative of which are their pharmaceutical products, specialising particularly in drugs for the treatment of... er... cardiovascular disease, central nervous system disorders and cancer.

So obviously, they have our best interests at heart.
Thanks so much Ron, what you found is incredible, yet at the same time doesn't surprise me. I often feel that we are nothing more than lab rats in this country, caught in the loop of a corporately bred conspiracy between the food industry and the drug companies (insert spooky Twilight Zone theme music here) Food companies make us sick - Pharmaceutical companies sell us the proposed cure.
Ron, today you made that link a reality. Literally "food for thought" for us all... Thank you Ron!

Ron Tocknell said:
Thank you very much, Holly. This was a bit of an eye-opener. I did a little further research to find that the main producer of soy protein is a company called Solae. You've possibly never heard of them.

The Solae Company is an alliance between DuPont and Bunge Limited.

Now I'm sure you've heard of DuPont. Now, why would a huge pharmaceutical giant like DuPont be so keen to get soy protein into so many food products? Surely, they must have looked into the risks of cardiovascular disease, central nervous system disorders and cancer! Well, yes. They probably did.

Soy protein is just one of a huge array of products by DuPont, the most lucrative of which are their pharmaceutical products, specialising particularly in drugs for the treatment of... er... cardiovascular disease, central nervous system disorders and cancer.

So obviously, they have our best interests at heart.
Novartis (another amalgamation of drug companies), which specialises in oncology drugs for fighting cancer also produces carcinogenic pesticides.

These companies like to hedge their bets. The pharmaceutical industry and the petrochemical industry are the two most powerful industries in the world. They are not controlled by governments because they fund governments. That's why alternative energies and alternative therapies are given so little credence.

It is rather worrying that the pharmaceutical industry decides what should be added to foods and water when they clearly have a vested interest in maintaining ill health and thus a guaranteed market for overpriced drugs to combat the illnesses they create.

What I find particularly disturbing is the practice of giving MDs financial incentives to prescribe their products. Despite the clear lack of ethics, conflict of interests and implications for the health and safety of the people, no government is prepared to defy the pharmaceutical industry by passing laws against this practice.
The parallels are all there Ron. For years Doctors weren't given any training on nutrition and even now they could tap into so many drug less cures but they don't.

Like in the case of stevia - a simple sweet leaf plant that does not raise blood sugar levels in diabetics and could help stop the epidemic of diabetes in this country. But instead the FDA banned its manufacture and sale for years due to its potential financial impact on big business sugar and corn growers using the excuse it wasn't deemed "safe" as they ram products like corn syrup solids and even worse .. products like nutrasweet and splenda down our throats.

Which in studies caused shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage),enlarged liver and kidneys, atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus, decreased red blood cell count just to name a few side effects and the list goes on with other studies that show actual changes in the brain.

It kills me every time I see the commercial with the happy Mom in her kitchen baking cookies for her kids, pouring that toxin into the mix while the voice over touts the naturally sweet goodness without the calories. They forget to mention the chlorine used to change its molecular make up that will destroy her child's liver and kidneys.. throw in a little anemia...and that's one damn good cookie .. deep sigh..

Thank goodness stevia is finally on the market shelves, although I still grow my own due to the trust issue.

Doctors today are armed with all their free samples and their little pamphlets that by law warn you of the side effects.. picked up at the all expenses paid medical conference in Costa Rica funded by Pfizer, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline or any number of legalized drug pushers who also give out a big bonus to doctors who sign up their patients for one of their "drug studies" ( my Mother being a recent target for that with her Doctor in which after reading the liability waver in the event of her death, declined to participate in the study ) whew ..

The only way to fight it is to not "buy" into the lies..we have to stop ourselves and others from being victims.. if you cant buy organic - grow it, don't trust a drug - find a natural alternative ( Ive found very few things a green smoothie cant cure)

If we can stop one person at a time from buying Soy or Splenda, etc. etc., and point out the corporate lies that are killing us and hopefully word will spread and then poisoning us will cease to be profitable.

If posts here help just one person ..then its all good :)
Soy is bad for humans and animals on so many different levels. They feed it to chickens and farm animals so if one eats eggs or chickens they are getting soy in their diet already.
Excellent link Marinspin! Thank you! And you're right about it getting into meat and eggs. Everyone wonders why our Presidential candidates are decided first in the farm lands of Iowa, when Iowa doesn't really reflect the rest of the Country. Your link about the soy industry is a good example of why the farmers of soy and corn decide for us all. $$$$$

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