Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Feeling totally empty, how can that be?
How to unify the emptiness with the feeling?
What are your experiences with the emptiness?
Nothing and everything - how are these two related?
I wonder how many of you have experienced the state where there are no thoughts and feelings, like being totally empty, like not existing at all? The when and how have you used it?

What are some of the my experiences about it?
It is like the place where the thoughts are not appearing of just passing by, as if the body does not exist, the endless feeling with no feeling in it. It is like the knowing that everything is in it, like continuous flowing to all directions, but even the directions don't exist. Like being the love, but not feeling it... Then I tried to bring feeling into it, the feeling love. Then it is like feeling it, feeling the love and feeling the emptiness at the same time.
What are some practical uses for it?
One of the ways it is the telepathic conversation. It is like getting information even without a need to form it into the words, it can come as just the knowing. But it can be formed into the words, too. The words can be spelled out or not, it does not matter.

Then it can be used for fast reading. Just looking at the whole word or whole sentence and getting it as the knowing, as the feeling behind it not as the words followed one another. Easier to do it in mother language, of course. As the second language may have the words that are unknown, yet.
But there's still no need to spell the letters inside the mind.

It can also be used for moving the body without feeling the even the intension before it. It is a strange feeling. As if the brain and everything is resting, but the body can still move. There are some similarities with the dancing just after the music, and let the body move with it. It can also be described as having the meditative feeling when doing whatever we do on our daily lives. Or creating something, and it just flows out, without even having the idea for what to do exactly.

Still it all is like being completely aware, it is not like fading somewhere. And in no way it is like feeling to be alone, for not to be misunderstood here.
What about the thought? Everything is being formed and is existing because of it. The human thought has the forming force within. I there are a lot of similar thoughts or if the thought is incredibly pure, it comes to the existence. The purity is like the speed of the frequency or the power for it.

What are the your ideas or experiences with it? Love & Harmony for you all!

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:-) How to feel nothing? Without wanting to get anything to have the feeling of having all there is without having that someone that has it. That's easy. :-)
Accidents, coincidences, and serendipities don't create dreams.

Your dreams create them.
The one thing all famous authors, world class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things.

Yet still, they began their journeys.

You are so poised for greatness,n the beginning, the price of giving great love is risking that it won't be returned. Until you understand, of course, that great love is always returned.

With interest,In all battles of the heart over the mind, go with your heart. Because, truly, it's a lot easier for your mind to catch up with your heart, than for your heart to catch up with your mind. A whole lot.

Not that I don't love your mind,Funny, most folks "there" are waiting for a sign of sorts from folks "here," before they make a move, take action, or commit.

Same "here."I hope you know how important you are in contributing to the "all things are exactly as they should be" concept.

Because without you, they wouldn't be.

Big hug,
pUnKhAiR2nV said:
Accidents, coincidences, and serendipities don't create dreams.

Your dreams create them.
The one thing all famous authors, world class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things.

Yet still, they began their journeys.

You are so poised for greatness,n the beginning, the price of giving great love is risking that it won't be returned. Until you understand, of course, that great love is always returned.

With interest,In all battles of the heart over the mind, go with your heart. Because, truly, it's a lot easier for your mind to catch up with your heart, than for your heart to catch up with your mind. A whole lot.

Not that I don't love your mind,Funny, most folks "there" are waiting for a sign of sorts from folks "here," before they make a move, take action, or commit.

Same "here."I hope you know how important you are in contributing to the "all things are exactly as they should be" concept.

Because without you, they wouldn't be.

Big hug,

Thank you so much for your answer. Achievement is not what I've chosen to do with it, none of these. The world does not need the personal achievements so much as it needs the solutions. Well, what does it matter what I've been winning for the bigger plan? Does my second place on European championship matter, when someone is starving or when the lives are waisted by suicides just because people don't see the way out of the crisis, does it bring the nature back. Being the athlete has it's goods, too of course. It creates the strong will and the body. If there were no athletes, so many people would stop moving their bodies at all. I absolutely loved the karate, when I practiced it, then it was my first choice and living the dream. Still teaching the children gave much more than all those achievements that I've ever got to put all together. What I wanted to say with this all is that someone can do many things in life, and all those can be the first choice in that particular time. Sad part becomes that there are so many talented people, who does not do anything to make their dreams come true and just because they are afraid to make the first step. I'm not painting the pictures or organizing the exhibitions to get famous, either. It is more to get someone happy, who sees the pictures. If you can make someone happy for a day, it is a great achievement. If you can make a salesperson smile for a few minutes and forget about the troubles at work, it is achievement, too. The fact is, that we need all the people, not only those who are world-famous. All the souls, all the lives have value. All the life, not just the humans... But we, as the humans are connected to all the life there is, so when loosing the species for extinction, we also loose that connection point, we had through those souls. It is not so easy to explain all the importance of it, wish I could.
One good thing here is, when someone is truly connected with the own heart and soul, then it does not create the accidents. You feel what you create through the heart. Everyone knows how it feels the difference of unconditional and overwhelming love and the pain. Would you sit in the pain rather than to be happy? If you are connected, you just can't lie to yourself or make the faces. It is the naked truth that lays in front of your eyes, guess you'll do anything to make this truth to be the love. If you're getting out of track, you feel the pain. Suffering does not get anything better, it just shows the wrong way, that's all.
Hey, but thanks for the wise suggestions about the achievements. To restore this planet back to harmony, that is an achievement, but not for one person, that is for the all. It will be done, that's what I can tell. Just takes the time, but the time is subjective. We're counting the time by how the planets move or by how long it takes to reach from one point to another. But there are realities without no time, too and we are connected to those too. Some people feel the connection, some just do anything not to feel. Some try to block the feelings in this only reality they believe that they exist in. Still they are connected, just don't feel it. What someone does not feel, it can't also use. So that's all.
Well if you wan't some explanations, that can be proved by the scientific means, just read something about the quantum physics. There are plenty. Want some materialistic example, watch "The Secret". I've been using the main concept of it for the inner goals, the results are just awesome.
I'm in my heart (center of the soul that connects it to the spirit and the physical body as well), that is the beginning for the journey. I'm always at the beginning to reach for the wider understanding. I'm in my heart to find the reasons to be happy and to give a smile. I feel happy most of the time, that is the greatest achievement for me. If I see, that I can get someone happy around me, it is even greater achievement for me. But I can't "make" someone happy, if I feel unhappy.
So smile, my friend! And be happy. Most of all thank you so much for the answer! Partly I wrote it, because I've had many visions. Some of them are not so easy to understand. I was just looking for someone, who has that kind of experiences as well to discuss about it. (I'm not taking any drugs or whatever to see the visions, they appeared naturally, when I wanted to see more.) Never expected to see so much. But if you "get the money in advance" you still have to do the work to deserve it.
But the world will get through of it all, despite of all the difficulties we still have to face. I am a really simple person, doing all those tiny things that would get us closer to harmony. Who I am and what I do are not one and the same. Who I am decides the what I do or do nothing. I choose the love and harmony and I wish it to everyone. So thank you so much, I deeply appreciate your letter!

I learn from the everybody, I've learned from you. Thank you! Love and harmony for you.
Oh, sorry, I've forgot something. About those folks "here" and "there". Does it matter where they are(?), I still love them all. Everyone's light comes from within, not from "someone else". So until someone is waiting it to "fall from the skies" while doing nothing to reach the own heart and soul, it just does not happen.
But really if someone would wait something from me? :-)what :-)that :-()) woul:D be? I'd rather share the world than own the world. Make some changes to feel more, it does not have to be a mountain, it can be a finger, too; just as long as it's moves for the benefit. Do these things you feel happy while doing them. If you like the singing and it gives you an overwhelming feeling, then sing. You don't have to be the best singer in the world to open the mouth for singing. It can be whatever, that the heart and soul insists us to do, just do it. Do something to feel great, to have fun and just to feel happy.
And maybe you'll get the world-famous one day, when you practice every day and feel the connection when doing it. It does not have to be one thing for the whole life, there can be many and even doing one thing for all the life can have so many aspects to discover.
Me? Giving "some answers" to "someone"? You gotta be kidding, :D, I just do whatever expresses the happy feeling inside of me. Feel happy, this is so easy. I'm not teaching anything here.

From questions posted above (in bold here) and my replies:

How to unify the emptiness with the feeling?
I guess emptiness IS a feeling in itself. It sounds like a negative but isn't really, in my experience. I sometimes ask for that feeling: "Please let me feel nothing" in relation to the distractions of the world around me.

One time an old Indian mahatma was talking about when he first learned the "Knowledge" our shared teacher shows. He described that moment as "Everything was taken. Nothing was given" but I felt I understood that he meant that in the most beautiful sense.

Nothing and everything - how are these two related?

I'm not sure how to respond to this question. I could try to express my "lofty" ideas I guess but in truth, I suspect I understand very little about this relationship at this time in my life.

What are some of the my experiences about it?

I do practice techniques that take my attention within and although it's always fresh and new, overall there is a feeling of turning off the "everything" I'm normally immersed in and diving into a feeling or a sense of "nothing" least to my MIND it's nothing. In reality, it's really everything that's truly important. It holds so much within it's emptiness, mm?

What are some practical uses for it?

For me, the experience within is supremely practical. I never consider it spiritual. It affects every single aspect of my very real and practical existence, my everyday life. Not that it solves all problems, but it certainly raises me to a vantage point where I can see it all so much clearer.

What are your ideas or experiences with it?

By "with it" I assume you mean the feeling inside. I can't begin to say in words, as we all agree, what it's like or describe it; like describing what "sweet" tastes like...impossible. I can say it's an experience that results in my feeling clarity, safety, hope, answers I never knew existed and a deep sense of longing to feel more of it.

It's funny how the feeling that "claims" to fulfill (and it does in so many ways) also creates that longing and desire for more.

What a treasure indeed.

Thank you, Candice!
I completely agree that emptiness is neutral just like everything. We give the meaning, we do create through it. What is my intension is to learn to create through this process. Like the gravity and magnetism exists as the whole. All the visible is also a process. What is the main problem is that humankind has taken what is alive into pieces, put together in whatever ways and it has slowed the process and eventually it has slowed the speed of the thought in a drastically. I needs the immense power of the feeling and the thought to put everything back to the way that it would work in harmony.

I think that the easiest way is to explain it with some example and how it feels. When being in the middle of the wild nature, that is almost balanced it feels easy to concentrate and to understand more. The air is clean, there is the life that surrounds you. It also works on you as the vibration of the color, sound and light. You can feel it through all the senses and through another ways. The natural environment resonates with you.
Then in the big city, where there is polluted air, the vibrations of the unnatural materials, the energy of the planet can't function in a normal way, the sound of the cars, machines and all kind of noises. It takes a lot of power to be able to stay balanced in these conditions. You gotta be a true master to give the best of you and the full inner potential in these conditions. More than the half of the humankind has chosen to live this way, so it is not pointing the finger to someone. We need the solutions for everyone. And there are the solutions, but these are "radical" or "untraditional" or whatever someone chooses to call them.
Feeling everything and feeling nothing is pretty much the same. The process for us to learn is creation. Creating harmony is all I choose to learn now. This what we see as the "empty spaces" in the atom and to go deeper there are still spaces, but it is also a process. There are another realities where there are no spaces, there is no "room in between", that is through what we can feel each other, when being in distance in physical reality. How to explain that by destroying the physical reality, we also give the influence to all that we are connected with? But it will be restored, that I can tell.
Love and harmony for you!

Candice Wilmore said:

From questions posted above (in bold here) and my replies:

How to unify the emptiness with the feeling?
I guess emptiness IS a feeling in itself. It sounds like a negative but isn't really, in my experience. I sometimes ask for that feeling: "Please let me feel nothing" in relation to the distractions of the world around me.

One time an old Indian mahatma was talking about when he first learned the "Knowledge" our shared teacher shows. He described that moment as "Everything was taken. Nothing was given" but I felt I understood that he meant that in the most beautiful sense.

Nothing and everything - how are these two related?

I'm not sure how to respond to this question. I could try to express my "lofty" ideas I guess but in truth, I suspect I understand very little about this relationship at this time in my life.

What are some of the my experiences about it?

I do practice techniques that take my attention within and although it's always fresh and new, overall there is a feeling of turning off the "everything" I'm normally immersed in and diving into a feeling or a sense of "nothing" least to my MIND it's nothing. In reality, it's really everything that's truly important. It holds so much within it's emptiness, mm?

What are some practical uses for it?

For me, the experience within is supremely practical. I never consider it spiritual. It affects every single aspect of my very real and practical existence, my everyday life. Not that it solves all problems, but it certainly raises me to a vantage point where I can see it all so much clearer.

What are your ideas or experiences with it?

By "with it" I assume you mean the feeling inside. I can't begin to say in words, as we all agree, what it's like or describe it; like describing what "sweet" tastes like...impossible. I can say it's an experience that results in my feeling clarity, safety, hope, answers I never knew existed and a deep sense of longing to feel more of it.

It's funny how the feeling that "claims" to fulfill (and it does in so many ways) also creates that longing and desire for more.

What a treasure indeed.

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