Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

There is a chance Prem Rawat, also called Maharaji, will do public events in N.America this year. To be notified and receive an invitation you may register here:

During February he did events in Sicily, Barcelona and Tel Aviv, where he said:

”Don't let your voices go silent!

Every voice is required to bring peace to this Earth. Most of the citizens of this planet are for peace; there are just a few bad apples in every country. But it is like an airplane that is going to take off, and if three or four passengers are late, no matter, it will take off regardless.

Peace is the perfume of God. The opposite, the stench, is from the combination of arrogance and ignorance of a select few.

The voices of peace have been shouting for so long that they are now hoarse, but every voice counts, so don't stop. It is like a mother that gives birth, and she is in the process of labor, and she is tired from pushing, but she knows she cannot stop - she must give birth to this child. We are all mothers, and we are giving birth to the child of peace."

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Thanks for this great post... I feel like I have been pushing hard lately... but know the birth will be a glorious one...

Best wishes,

Thank you for your own efforts. We're all in it together mm?

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