Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

What a speech!!

I congratulate all Americans on this historic day. At times like these I wish I could be part of the American dream, to be motivated and inspired in this way. May America play a leading role in the awakening of a new dawn. I have no doubt that nothing is impossible for an inspired and committed nation.

To your success!

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Thanks Peirre......I appreciate your enthusiasm of our future. I pray you're right. I approach the future with cautious optimism. I am not happy that Obama is the president. I would have prefered a president with bigger balls, but he's the only game in town right now. I don't care for his game -show-host demenor, and his smug elitest attitude. My favorite Amercan president was Theodore Roosevelt.When he led his soldiers at the battle of San Juan Hill, he didn't say charge...he said "follow me". Roosevelt was a man to admire. He was a hands-on president,and not afraid to get them dirty either. A man like Roosevelt would scare the daylights out of half the people in this country if he were here today. They'd be okay with the walking softly part, but it's the carrying the big stick part that would make the hair stand up on the back of their liberal necks. Roosevelt also created the national park service. That's more done by a president in the name of conservation than anyone before or since.

America is the greatest country in the world. Just ask the millions of immigrants that have poured in across its borders over the past 200+ years. We need a president that will carry on the proud traditions that made us a great and generous nation. Make a mental list of the nations that owe their freedom to the United States. You can start with Iraq if you want and work your way back. Unfortunately Obama doesn't strike me as that draw-that-line-in-the-sand kind of guy. Where's Teddy Roosevelt, or Ronald Reagan now that we really need them.

Pierre said:
Hi Bill
Now you have me in the spot! - I wanted to stay under cover on this one. No, I am not Canadian, and not French either. I can give you a tip off though: - English/American is not my first language.

(Now you also made me curious about the Canadians). I know very little about them, except that one of the best times of my life was experiencing BC, Vancouver Island, Inside Passage up to Prince Rupert, Banff and Jasper, Calgary, etc. - incredible!!

I enjoy learning more about the USA, and USA politics. Isn't this site an excellent vehicle for learning, and expanding your own parameters on the beliefs and views of others? My guess is that Obama has already achieved more than his predecessor - not only by his being, but also the hope his has awakened..... (not only in many Americans, but also many people around the world..................................
James Murff said:
Bill, I see your point entirely, albeit a little harsh. This is reality. I don't agree with comparing people to termites, but the idea is there. Bush left us something that we can all say holy crap to, and we have no one to blame but ourselves for not giving him the shaft the first time. Obama better get to it. He has a long road to walk. We really should support the man, but there's just something that bothers me about him. He's a little too smart. He's kept himself over the years from actually making any major decisions, and just kept trying to climb our government's ladder, so to speak. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

A lot of peole in Italy is happy for the new American President Obama.
Obama is and 'll be the change, the future, the man of equity for all the nations and not for Usa only.

I'm sure that Usa 'll return the great leader for the business, the democracy, the peace all over the world.

We are one, we can change.

Many people in the USA especially N. California including myself are delighted that Obama won the election.
thank for the uplifting comment.Im asumming your not from america?yes this is a great step for humanity,and especially americans to look beyond race, and to pick the best man for the job as president.there is still work to be done here in america there is still racism,but for the youth they will look at race in awhole new light,the young people will have to lead the way for a new dawn, which will raise human consiousness toward the light.peace to you, and may people of the world be enlightened
The thing is, Obama's being straight up. He has said many times it will take a collective effort to make things better for the United States. He has his work cut out for him but because of his authenticity and charisma and who he is, he has it in him to compel people to come together and work together to make positive change... and that's what is needed worldwide. It's time to come together as one people, set aside our differences and realize we all want a better world when it comes down to it.

Love, Light & Gratitude,
Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
Massimo........Italy is one of many countries that can call themselves "free" today, because American soldiers died there fighting to liberate your people from the Nazis.

massimo said:

A lot of peole in Italy is happy for the new American President Obama.
Obama is and 'll be the change, the future, the man of equity for all the nations and not for Usa only.

I'm sure that Usa 'll return the great leader for the business, the democracy, the peace all over the world.

We are one, we can change.

Italy has done a lot for the rest of the world and how about the concept of One Planet One People instead of who did what for who.
Give us a break this is not a historic day just a black president
I am wondering if some of the unenthusiastic people here would prefer to see Bush return in his helicopter for 8 more years?

I was delighted to see him fly off to Texas and to see that helicopter door close. Living in N. CA I don't often run into so many people who are so unenthusiastic about our new President except online. I am thankful I live where I do.
Hi Bill,
Do I detect a hatred for Muslims in your posts. I don't want to be be rude, but I think the media and the former President have indoctrinated you into believing that ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS like we were indoctrinated by the then National Party of South Africa to think that all BLACK PEOPLE WERE TERRORISTS AND WERE NOT TO BE TRUSTED. Who opened Gitmo, who signed the Bill about detention without trial......Bush bombed Afghanistan then Iraq then with the help of Israel kiled innocent women and children in Gaza. Please dont be a pessimist.
Imtiaz........Contrary to the impression I have obviously created for you, I do not hate all Muslims. There are probably millions that want to live in peace just like you and I do. The problem is, there are some Muslims, that are dedicated to our ultimate destruction. They ( the bad Muslims ) are very cunning, determined, and patient. President Bush responded in kind when war was declared upon us in Sept 2001. Actually, if you follow the progression of these things, we'd been slapped a few times before Sept 11th during prevoius administrations. Showing restraint didn't seem to satisfy our enemies. ( yeah...I said it....ENEMIES ) Frustrated by their failure to get a sufficient rise out of us, the kicked our front door in and killed over 3,000 people. The president of the United States of America, Goerge W Bush had NO CHOICE but to respond, and react, by answering back swiftly and severely, and living up to his oath of office to protect and defend the American people. The perverbial "line" had been drawn in the sand, and NOT by president Bush, but by a relatively small, but rapidly growing number of rabid, blood thirsty, insatiable Islamic fundimentalists. How hard, do clearly HALF the citizens of this country need to be hit over the head, before they realize exactly what is happening in the world today.

I spent approximately ten years searching passenger aircraft for bombs, beginning in 1994 in Japan...long before you, or anybody you know ever heard of Al Qaeda, when they were planning to blow up 11 US carriers simultaniously over the Pacific. Thankfully, the plot was exposed before it could be carried out. As I stated earlier, these people are cunning, determined, and very very patient....and they quietly wait among us.

We can go through life wishing for hope, and change, and hope and change, and more hope and change, but until Americans face the realities we must confront, we run the risk of eventually agian falling prey to those who wish us nothing but harm. Wake up,and see who's really being indoctrinated.

Imtiaz Mather said:
Hi Bill,
Do I detect a hatred for Muslims in your posts. I don't want to be be rude, but I think the media and the former President have indoctrinated you into believing that ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS like we were indoctrinated by the then National Party of South Africa to think that all BLACK PEOPLE WERE TERRORISTS AND WERE NOT TO BE TRUSTED. Who opened Gitmo, who signed the Bill about detention without trial......Bush bombed Afghanistan then Iraq then with the help of Israel kiled innocent women and children in Gaza. Please dont be a pessimist.

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