Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Hi All,

Thought I'd add a little backup to Rick Ingrasci's mention of the Whidbey GeoDome project as a tool for worldview transformation.  I've attached an article published in Curtor - a refereed journal - and IONS conference presentations from Kate and I on the topic of transformative media, arts and entertainment below. 

Also see:

Immersive spaces are ideal for designing and sharing actual experiences instead of talking about experiences or vicariously living through the experiences of others (as with cinema). Because if their ability to immerse audiences in epic and profound experiences, present  scientific data in easily understandable terms, and to distribute these experiences to the masses, I believe that these spaces will become instrumental in the "cultivation of social consciousness as core capacities for twenty-first century students and global citizens."




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Fantastic resources Ed. Thanks so much for sharing your (and Kate's) considerable knowledge and experience.

Here's a recent piece on Huffington Post - "Films for Your Soul: The Power of Images" - that adds to this conversation. Enjoy!

Thanks for this!  I Love Jan Nickman's work.  And David Fortney.  And Louis Schwartzberg.  There is an entire genre of "visual music" entertainment like this that remains rather obscure. 

In 2006 we launched a television network on Comcast called Harmony Channel ( and put this programming in 14 million homes. We never attracted an investor as planned, but managed to keep it going for 7 months. My conclusion was that TV is not the appropriate medium for soul-stirring programming. When these beautiful images wrap around the room and immerse people then you really have the potential for stirring souls. It's the difference between seeing a photo of the Grand Canyon versus standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon.  Being there invokes a much different experience.

That's why, after Comcast pulled the plug on Harmony Channel, I went back to my immersive cinema roots and continue to promote the fulldome medium.  It ill be some years before we can fully simulate "being there," but it is already a powerful medium and will just keep getting better and better.

We're preparing to launch a "Digital Spa" business and are seeking partners, if anyone is interested... Cheers!



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