Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The following is an excerpt from a letter I wrote to colleague Neil deGrasse Tyson at the American Museum of Natural History's Hayden Planetarium discussing the Bella Gaia planetarium program that I've been producing with Kenji Williams. I though it was worth posting here:

The reason I have latched onto Bella Gaia as my first planetarium program is that it maximizes what I believe to be one of the most unique value-added feature of dome theaters – the ability to create what I call “contemplative experiences” in an informal educational environment. (see

I believe that when the mind is in a contemplative state, it is open and ripe for major awakenings or paradigm shifts and deeper "grocking" of content. This rarely happens in the classroom – that is, unless you daydream which I did often in school, resulting in a constant stream of realizations (and poor grades for a time). The result is a more deeply transformative experience. That is, the visitor leaves the theater somehow changed, with an expanded possibility space (possible futures).

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests the brain operates very differently when in a contemplative state, allowing the emergence of deeper “insight” rather than the analytical processes that are usually associated with learning. Here is a good overview of the topic from the New York Times:

Planetariums have been doing this for years. Consider this quote from Dr. Philip Fox (1878-1944), first Director of the Adler Planetarium 1929-1937 “Children always are interested in the heavens; their minds are forever groping about them. In middle life people are occupied with their daily affairs. But old folk, again, turn to contemplation, and contemplation of the heavens; they have more leisure to think.” His vision for the Adler Planetarium was to convey a sense of our place in an orderly and unified cosmos. He also hoped that the planetarium would unify humanity and “help to show that there should be no cleavage between individuals, nations, and races." In justifying the planetarium, he said “People think that astronomy is a 'useless science,' but a planetarium is just as valuable to mankind as the art institute or the civic opera.”

One key to creating a contemplative experiences is to minimize voice-over narration. I find that narration engages my cognitive mind and does not leave space for contemplation. It took me a while to articulate what it was that bothered me with overly-narrated programs… the narration just seemed like unnecessary chatter that interfered with a visual/musical experience that was greater, deeper, somehow beyond talk.

Because Bella Gaia content includes visuals focused on earth science visualizations, visitors are being given a chance to contemplate the earth as an interconnected whole (hence the increasingly acceptable term "Gaia") rather than the local, egocentric view that we all have of our planet through our ordinary experiences. It is one thing to be taught that the earth is round, has a biosphere, oceans, mountains, an atmosphere, has delicate seasonal cycles, etc. It is quite another thing for this realization to sink into the deeper layers of our consciousness, for us to have full awareness of our place on the planet and it's many interconnected systems.

As this greater awareness of the earth as a living biosystem grows, I believe that there will be an increased sensitization towards the effect of our actions on these systems, and a greater desire to act in ways that honor and respect these systems and their delicate balance. It is much more difficult to intentionally harm or cheat someone who you know and love. Teaching students about the earth's systems is not the same as getting to know and love the earth. Knowing and loving the earth comes from contemplating the earth as an overall system, I think – something that is difficult to do without visual aids or a trip to space.

I think it would be great to formally test some of these assumptions in a scientific study. I'd also support the development of curricula that reinforces the Bella Gaia experience with cognitive educational materials that provide context yet create space for contemplation through, for instance, asking open-ended questions or asking students to describe photos without there being a “correct” response.

Many school districts either have a planetarium or have access to one. If we showed measurable educational benefits to contemplative programming then it could not only help with distribution of Bella Gaia, but it could even start a new trend. A handful of us have been trying to understand and articulate what is truly unique about a dome experience versus a flat-screen or TV experience. In other words, what good is a dome? Deeply engaging the mind with visuals in a manner that generates unique insights – an effect that is maximized in an immersive presentation – may well be one of them.

One other thing. Awing students with the beauties of the universe is a great way to stimulate them to study STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). But rather than just trying to lure students into studying STEM, we need to inspire them to use the tools of STEM wisely, responsibly, and in harmony with our planet. Bella Gaia has the potential to do both.

I would like to see NASA resources go into developing Bella Gaia into a science program that maintains this contemplative property, and to do some evaluations in partnership with cognitive scientists to confirm that the contemplative experience provided in a dome theater has measurable value.

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Replies to This Discussion

Bella Gaia sounds awesome!
Pity my download speed's so slow, I couldn't view the site.
Your idea of dome theaters creating "contemplative programming" to enhance the pedagogic experience of Gaian interconnectedness is inspirational. Hope you get all the support you deserve.
Ed, when you speak of "contemplative space" what i feel we are talking about is the brain wave state of mind referred to as "theta".

I am also considering re: domes that this may be related as to how the ancient Egyptians were able to construct their temples in such a way as to naturally resonate "free" or "zero point" energy. Ref: Egypt: Child of Atlantis : A Radical Interpretation of the Origins of Civilization. Author: John Gordon

The Freemasons also built cathedrals such as that at Chartres in France if I am not mistaken. .

And am wondering if the domes you are referring to are constructed in the same manner.

For further information, here is some info on "theta healing" that is interesting.
Dear Ed,
I completely agree with your thoughts on the educational and entertainment benefits of a dome as opposed to a flat screen experience. Since I was a child, I have been awed by the dome experience, and not nearly enough children or people are exposed to this! I love the planetary shows, and also the light/music/laser shows. It is mind expanding. I think it could be proved scientifically that it expands the consciousness well beyond what any flat screen could do. We have a great educational planetarium right here in town with the programming run by my friend, so I am sure I could get some experimental shows to be put on the agenda...and rather quickly. Let me know!
Love and joy,
I think you're on to it, George. The missing link is what we're missing. Stay tuned....

George Palamiotis said:

What I'm begging to understand these last years is that what we really miss from today's education is something like a ''unifying factor'' able to clearly point at the wonder of interrelation between any form of science, art, theology or even life itself.

We can definitely witness and understand that concept only when it gets to stock markets, where what happens in Tokyo at the 6th of December,affects immediately and directly someone in Luxembourg or Hawaii although the 6th of December is not there yet.

Science provides us with many examples of how much important is for all of us the rainforests for example, or how physics apply to architecture, painting or even gardening and most of us know why Kentucky Fried Chicken today is KFC.
Still we are not able to make the connections.

Maybe our fragmented education is responsible for not grasping the concept of unity and lovingkindness although its clearly manifested through out the world that surrounds us. Maybe ''money talks''...

Whatever the case people with your vision and motivation is a blessing for all of us.
I hope I can be of any help in the future.

Thanks again




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