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Biodynamic & Organic Growers


Biodynamic & Organic Growers

Location: Global
Members: 62
Latest Activity: Sep 29, 2014

Discussion Forum

Yard sharing and Farming the Burbs! 4 Replies

Started by Liz McLellan Last reply by Pierre Riche Dec 24, 2012.

What is going on with the world's bee population and how to help the bees???? 11 Replies

Started by Marinspin. Last reply by Steve H Sep 3, 2012.

Recycled Organic Garden and Birds 14 Replies

Started by Bonnie Zimmermann. Last reply by Marinspin Feb 18, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Marvin Double on November 6, 2009 at 10:53am
I've been a gardener for years and have always subscribed to the use of organic methods. I became aware of biodynamic farming a few years ago but don't have any direct experience I'll be very pleased to hang out in this forum and learn from others.
Comment by Gavin Tonks on November 6, 2009 at 5:23am
Hi all I have loaded a very big organic project of mine onto a web site as aprt of a competition and need some support by voting for it, please take 3 minutes of your time
many thanks
Comment by Cary on September 15, 2009 at 9:22pm
Hi Erin.. thanks for the welcome. Planet Natural has a good fish emulsion called- Alaska Fish Emulsion and Burpee has a great seaweed fertilizer called Sea Magic.. its great for flowers and houseplants too. My raised bed garden has lots of compost, cow manure and peat mixed in. My water comes from our City reclaimed water system. Its unfiltered and has a warning signs saying "warning - not for human or animal consumption" I am forced to use this water source because there are sprinkler heads all around my garden in the common grounds which I can not remove. Im worried that my garden might not be so organic due to this water.
Comment by Erin Michelle on September 15, 2009 at 8:51pm
hi! Cary,
good to see you here. i'm very interested in your fertilizer combo. i used the same formula but can't find it any more. the best defense i've found against chemicals and pesticide residue is well cooked, organic compost. i don't know about the water but i wonder which is worse. the bleach and such it's treated with from the hose. or, the rest it might pick up on the way to your rainbarrel? :)
Comment by Cary on September 15, 2009 at 7:45pm
I am an urban organic gardener where I have planted in a 4 X 6 raised bed garden. I have been so careful not to use pesticides and use only organic fertilizers such as fish emulsion and seaweed. It dawned on me that my garden is getting watered by reclaimed water and I am concerned that with all the run off of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and god knows what else that ends up in the water tables, are my vegetables still safe to eat?
Comment by Cary on September 15, 2009 at 7:19pm
Don't feel bad Dawn... mine were a flop too
Comment by Dawn Hurwitz on August 20, 2009 at 1:26pm
Anyone have any particular experience growing different types of Squash? I'm trying to grow Delicata squash, and they are not happy:-(
Comment by Erin Michelle on August 15, 2009 at 5:24pm
i just used three rounds of neem! unusual for me but this is an unusually heavy infestation. dish soap is so useful! happy gardening! thank you.
love, erin
Comment by Dawn Hurwitz on August 15, 2009 at 5:10pm
Aloha Erin, another of my favorites is the use of a neem solution (1tsp neem oil, 1tsp dish soap, 1 quart H20) to spray my plants to protect them from bugs.
Comment by Erin Michelle on August 15, 2009 at 3:01pm
i love the egg shell tip. i'd forgotten how effective they are against the creepy crawlies in the garden. and, so nutrient rich. i've been waging war on the spider mite infestation. the lady bug store got in a new shipment this morning of predator mites, three different kinds. ah... battle!

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