Architects of a New Dawn

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How is your life when you feel gratitude for everything that you experience?

Gee, okay gratitude for everything. I haven't experienced that much gratitude yet.Imagine the possibilities!

I know that when I do feel graitude it changes how I see what is going on for me. I focus on what I learned from a situation and I am a thankful for whatever feeling or behavior it evokes rather than defaulting to feeling like a victim of circumstance.

Feeling. gratitude opens the door for me to accept and love my choices regardless of what they are ...and to re-choose. .Feeling gratitude all the time .?

I see and feel myself experiencing freedom in all moments.. I choose that for myself now.

Warm Regards,
Linda Lawson

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hello linda

all the time is a great goal - :)
it seems that when i am in the flow of feeling grateful, appreciative of the simple beauty in my day, in my moments, that it builds on itself, it gets easier with each bit that i add...and as that is happening, my sense of time changes, so that it can feel like "all the time" for even just a few moments - wonderful to work with, to notice, to feel as a reality
and yes - incredibly freeing to be on such a path!
here's to each step being the right one, no matter what it is...building the bridge as we walk

in light
Gratitude Power said:
When you are in a vibration of gratitude it does change how you feel--it doesn't mean that you have to feel grateful for every difficulty or frustration in your life, it just means that you are able to come from a different space when you process these events. Imagine being angry with a situation and make a choice to deal with the siuation through compassion versus anger and resentment. That's what the vibration of gratitude does for you. You make different choices. Love and gratitude Karen
Hi Karen,

"When you are in a vibration of gratitude it does change how you feel--it doesn't mean that you have to feel grateful for every difficulty or frustration in your life, it just means that you are able to come from a different space when you process these events. Imagine being angry with a situation and make a choice to deal with the siuation through compassion versus anger and resentment. That's what the vibration of gratitude does for you. You make different choices. Love and gratitude Karen"

I love that everyone has something to add to the mix on this discussion.

I see I have left out that gratitude is for the learning that results from the situation.As we are here to further the soul's growth, according to some wise Ones, the soul may require a bit more challenge that we, as personalities, might choose.

Does this make sense?

warm regards,
Linda Lawson said:
Hi Karen,

"When you are in a vibration of gratitude it does change how you feel--it doesn't mean that you have to feel grateful for every difficulty or frustration in your life, it just means that you are able to come from a different space when you process these events. Imagine being angry with a situation and make a choice to deal with the siuation through compassion versus anger and resentment. That's what the vibration of gratitude does for you. You make different choices. Love and gratitude Karen"

I love that everyone has something to add to the mix on this discussion.

I see I have left out that gratitude is for the learning that results from the situation.As we are here to further the soul's growth, according to some wise Ones, the soul may require a bit more challenge that we, as personalities, might choose.

Does this make sense?

warm regards,

Yes--I agree, Gratitude is food for the soul.
Gratitude Power
Gratitude - Another reason to be grateful for everything
Monday, Jul. 13 (

Every time you express gratitude
or compassion for any aspect of
yourself or someone else,
you breathe life in.

Mariah Fenton Gladis
Tales of a Wounded Healer
Hi Violette,

Your words are so true! At the lowest points in my life during my late twenties, realization set in that my depression was always about what was happening to me, how my life was being affected, why wasn't I accomplishing greatness. My life was overcome with I and ME. My focus became to give, give, give to others. My feeling of gratitude comes directly from stopping the me and focusing on the we. I now look at others and focus on how I can be a positive to someone else's negative.

My feelings of gratitude come from my interactions with others, to see others happiness, to take one small moment and be a light!
Take Action, Take Heart

"Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul." - Democritus (460?-370? BC)

Focus on the chase, the process, the journey—not the end result! At the end of the day, happiness is not about the big house, the money, or the material goods. The thrill is in the satisfaction of pushing our envelope and working hard. Happiness lives in the meaning and purpose we find in our lives. Melt into the process. Enjoy the ride. Happiness guaranteed!

Hi Linda, Lovely to meet with you here

When I open myself out to feeling gratitude it seems to bring me closer to the experience of Joy.
I am like you, I choose to feel gratitude and my day changes, My life, I changed because I wanted to. I decided I am very grateful everyday because I can change wheat is in front of me, not wheat is behind me. When I started accepting that I was the builder of my own foundation of destiny, Life took a complete turn, as I became better at at leaving the ungrateful thoughts and replacing each with feelings of Joy and gratefulness, my life blossomed and continues to do so.. I also choose to do that for myself now.



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