We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
We are Worldwide Developers Foundation, a humanitarian Foundation domiciled in Panama that is chartered to provide tools of technology, funding options, and partnerships for those working to better the human and planetary condition. Current projects include PeacePortal, Paulownia Reforestation Project, Golden Age America, P3 (Plan-it, Plant-it, Planet) and the charitable components of the Free Digital Universe.
Education and economic sustainability have a symbiotic relationship with one another; both are required for the other to have real utility in alleviating poverty.
Where education is the path for the individual to Self understanding and a sustainable wage, it is the economic model of the community that determines what opportunities of prosperity are available for both the educated and un-educated alike.
Our focus is on facilitating the combining of a range of solutions from qualified partner charities, associations, and inter-faith missionary groups representing multi-disiplined sectors. Let us develop a sustainable and joyfull future together.
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