Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Introduce your self, project, or passion in this discussion thread.

We are Worldwide Developers Foundation, a humanitarian Foundation domiciled in Panama that is chartered to provide tools of technology, funding options, and partnerships for those working to better the human and planetary condition. Current projects include PeacePortal, Paulownia Reforestation Project, Golden Age America, P3 (Plan-it, Plant-it, Planet) and the charitable components of the Free Digital Universe.

Education and economic sustainability have a symbiotic relationship with one another; both are required for the other to have real utility in alleviating poverty.

Where education is the path for the individual to Self understanding and a sustainable wage, it is the economic model of the community that determines what opportunities of prosperity are available for both the educated and un-educated alike.

Our focus is on facilitating the combining of a range of solutions from qualified partner charities, associations, and inter-faith missionary groups representing multi-disiplined sectors. Let us develop a sustainable and joyfull future together.

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Hello WDF, Happy for the opportunity to share on this sweet platform and portal of goodness and grace.
My name is Steven Amarant. I reside in Mountain Ranch, Ca, Calaveras County, California. It is one of my
dreams and vision to co-create intentional, self sustaining, multi-cultural, new earth communities. My conceptual theme is centered around pueblo style,eco-villages. The spiritual hub is found in the creation of Global Sacred Oneness Unity Lodges. We have a non-profit organization pending called Spirit Aligned Visionary Enterprises.The synthesis created from the components described above would readily usher the loving vibration of a peaceful, heaven on earth experience for All.

We have a strong focus on working with the predominant, existing work force people. We emphasize the importance of working from the inside out. Meaning, adopting a heart centered way of BEing, individually and collectively. The primary stakeholders securing a vested interest in the New Pueblos would be the work force..FIRST. We recognize the need for those working daily at community building should be seeding their dreams and visions into their work place and home enviroment. So, facilitating this process is a brand new way to assign and convey meaningful and lasting rights of use and enjoyment of the village resources and amenities for families and their many generations to come..

What would we see and experience in one of these proto-type communities? one might ask.

The primary power utility would be derived from solar rays. Harvesting them on a massive scale of solar farming. Forming a mutual utility company, featuring metered solar electricity with grid back-up. Generate revenue with the local power company buying our excess.

The built enviroment would reflect an intention to easily blend with our natural environs by utilisizing the building resources mother nature presents. On the large ranch I'm on, that means lots of clay, rocks and trees.

The 600 plus acres where I live is for sale, has been for years. It is an old gold dredging site from the Gold rush era. I have had the priviliedge of stewarding the care and healing of this special area on the planet.

We will be growing organic produce and featuring locally grown food for the community. Our vision is very much aligned with the exaltation of the hemp plant and its' genus. (genious). There is plenty to do as we wait( and help change) the laws of the land to shapeshift into something resembling sanity of the highest and brightest order.

More to come. Please stay tuned.

with love and respect,

Steve Amarant
(209) 754-9562
Hello WDF - We have a retreat center, think tank, research center and forum for uplifting evolutionary ideas in Sedona, Arizona - The INNstitute At Sedona. We are seeking funding for our programs and films. We have been creating forums for these ideas for 25 years. We believe real change will only come to pass when we shift our assumptions about the nature of the universe - the fundamental shift that is occurring - the BIG EVENT! Our work synthesizes indigenous cosmology(a key missing piece) and quantum science. Check us out at www.TheINNsituteAtSedona,, and Check out my videos on my AOAND video page.

Thank you for your GREAT work!!!!!

Many Blessings, Connie Baxter Marlow



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