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Strange Moments in Consciousness


Strange Moments in Consciousness

Location: texas
Members: 23
Latest Activity: May 1, 2018

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Abuse a blessing? .............NO.................not today.

Started by ahimsayinsarawatizen Jan 30, 2009.

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Comment by Paul O. Briones on March 13, 2014 at 9:27pm

I agree that our ancestors should always be invited in drawing near to GOD! Most people who have never had an out of body experience don't understand the REALM of the mystical and the HOLY SPIRIT! I had a powerful mystical experience with the writing of my song "Seekin The Divine" which is available here on my AOAND site.  When I went to the consciousness of hearing the melody in my spirit, I felt like was as light and as free as a butterfly and felt a BEAUTIFUL COMMUNION that is impossible to describe with what I felt with the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD and with my past ancestors! The same thing happened again almost twenty years later when three "Little Birds" almost like Bob Marley's song, came to tweet outside my office in San Antonio on an Emory Oak Tree three years ago! I immediately remembered what my Dad had mentioned to me when I was a five year old boy! He said, when three little birds come like this and sing on a tree in harmony, your Grandfather used to say that it is all of your ancestors coming to visit you and and wanting you not to forget them! To me this was so weird because my Grandfather used to say he was an orphan! Now almost half a century later, I heard these birds come sing at my window and I immediately wrote another song that is also listed on my site: "My Mom And Dad Cry Out To Heaven!" I believe MUSIC IS HOLY AND SHOULD BE APPROACHED WITH GREAT SERIOUSNESS ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO HONORING GOD AND OUR PAST ANCESTORS!  INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC IS ALWAYS SEEKING TO PURIFY OUR HEARTS AND DRAWS CLOSER TO OUR CREATOR! Lately since doing this, great doors have opened up in meeting the family I never knew on my Grandfather's side! This is a testament to the POWER OF THE SPIRIT, ESPECIALLY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE POWER OF MUSIC!

Comment by Brotherhood Of Eternal Love on February 27, 2010 at 5:40am
Music is looked upon as something serious and holy, designed to purify the feelings of the people. The enthusiasm of the heart expresses itself involuntarily in a burst of song or the rhythmic movement of the body. From immemorial times the inspiring affects that moves all hearts, and draws them together, has mystified mankind.
The ancient kings made music in order to honor merit, and offered it with splendor to the Supreme Deity inviting their ancestors to be present. In the Temple folks drew near to God with music and pantomimes. The Ancestors were invited to these divine rituals as guests of the ruler of heaven and as representatives of humanity in the higher regions. This uniting of the human past with the Divinity in revering his ancestors with solemn moments of spiritual inspiration established the bond between God and man. Our first Earthdance and Theater.
Comment by The Ancient One on August 13, 2009 at 6:10am
How Many, How Much
by Shel Silverstein

How many slams in an old screen door?
Depends how loud you shut it.
How many slices in a bread?
Depends how thin you cut it.
How much good inside a day?
Depends how good you live 'em.
How much love inside a friend?
Depends how much you give 'em.
Comment by SpiritWalker on August 12, 2009 at 10:03am
Take off your mask. Show the world who you were meant to be!
Comment by CAROLE BI on July 4, 2009 at 6:19am
i was wondering the other day how wonderful it would be iff everyone turned on to a new consciousness that dispels anger fear and the recepei is love joy peace and light one love one heart
Comment by CAROLE BI on July 4, 2009 at 6:14am
blessings and peace carole iff i say anything abrupt please forgive me i have been having a really bad time with my menopause you might even have a meditation i can use to ease it i am a nice person really peace to the planet
Comment by Erin Michelle on June 5, 2009 at 1:33pm
what a beautiful way to envision wellness and dispel anxiety. thank you.
Comment by SpiritWalker on June 5, 2009 at 12:54pm
The other day I was thinking about our bodies and how we view them as dense mass instead of energy. I decided to view and think of my body as pure energy from now on. Before, every ache & pain made me very nervous, especially because I have a neurological disease. Now when I feel anything abnormal or different I immediately visualize/feel my body as pure energy and let myself feel whatever it is that ails me, especially the anxiety. You'd be surprised at the effect it has on your health. It helps you to be in control of your physical body. I believe that we can cure our ailments if we are continually conscious of our energy bodies and stop seeing our selves as concrete beings.
Comment by The Ancient One on April 12, 2009 at 5:34am
In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life,--no disgrace, no calamity (leaving me my eyes), which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground,--my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space, --all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part and parcel of God. The name of the nearest friend sounds then foreign and accidental: to be brothers, to be acquaintences, master or servant, is then a trifle and a disturbance. I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty. In the wilderness, I find something more dear and connate than in streets or villages. In the tranquil landscape, and especially in the distant line of the horizon, man beholds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature.

Comment by Debbie on February 17, 2009 at 1:18pm
Yes I felt lightheaded

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