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in the world as in a great, beautiful, noble, and valued whole, when harmonious
ease affords him a pure and free delight, then the universe, if it could experience
itself, would exult, as having attained its goal, and admire the climax of its
own becoming and essence.
- Goethe
Let me invite you to listen to my music, & see photos etc,...
...i have a feeling you will like them , & others via my links .
I would value any comments you have on 'both',..feel free to get in touch .
I send this with my positive wishes to you Debbie .
I hope this finds you well. haven't heard from you in a while so I thought I'd stop by. by the way, we should do something about the drummers jamsession, it's awfully quiet over there, nobody is jamin' lol : ) well, holla back when you can.
One Love
Thank you!
Graphics for Myspace
it's great to meet you 1 soul to another
peace&LOVE allways
dc :)
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