Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

mary rose
  • 92, Female
  • Campo, CA
  • United States
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At 11:52am on December 7, 2010, Debra Rincon Lopez said…

I am sorry it took so long to get back to you, on the old posting about joining your Organization. I am all for the things I have read from you so far. I would like to read alot more and I will be in contact with you okay, From your friend in Portland Oregon USA. DEBRA Rincon LOPEZ. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, NOBODY DOES IT LIKE YOU DO. BYE NOW, (not forever)
At 10:24am on July 26, 2010, Deborah J. Boyd said…
So tell me what it is I have "taken the wrong way". If I answered on your personal page it was in error or NING moved it.
At 4:33am on July 26, 2010, Deborah J. Boyd said…
Communications is an imperfect art. Words can mean different things to different people. What is it that you feel I have misinterpreted? I have not read your book and while I respect much of the "Eastern" religious concepts, I do not agree with much of their advice on managing the world's assets.
At 4:54am on July 25, 2010, Deborah J. Boyd said…
Dear Mary Rose,
I admire what you have done but I must disagree with the concept that all human work will not be required in the future. Yes we will develop nano technology but we will still build a wide variety of items that will enable us to first colonize the moon and then proceed to one planet after the other but before that we need to cultivate the riches of the Ocean. Our diversity of fish is dwindling due to careless methods of harvesting, pollution, and total lack of management of these natural resources.
The so-called loss of natural resources is also a false cry of wolf. We have resources we have yet to discover that will be utilized in the future. Let us look at Lithium for instance. Had you said to someone in 1920 that they should invest in Lithium they would have laughed at you. Today it is a key ingredient in modern batteries for cell phones, computers, and vehicles.
The desire by some to return to a Utopian agricultural life style is unrealistic because there is, quite simply, not enough land to go around.
I am telling you that within my life time I will see most of the desserts returned to productive agriculture and the species of fishes remaining expanded to a capacity that allows many humans the pleasure of consuming these wonderful species without the guilt that they will be "fished out".
Love & Peace, Deborah
At 8:41am on July 17, 2010, Dr.Muhammad Mukhtar Alam said…
Hi Mary, Salam to you and all in the neighbourhood.
At 7:25pm on July 7, 2010, AZARRA said…
Hi Mary Rose.....hope you are well...I will be happy to have a conference call with you and your friend....give me about a week as I am on a media project deadline in new york city and am barely home to deal with any personal me at (201) 684-1123, let me know your time availability for this call and I will try to coordinate it with my schedule...I look forward to speaking with you....stay strong...stay well.....Azarra
At 3:48pm on June 26, 2010, AZARRA said…
Hi Mary... thank you for accepting my friendship.... I truly appreciate the intelligent clarity and wisdom of your comments on this media site...... clearly you are wanting to encourage people to develop models of evolutionary spirituality and sustainability... at least, that is how I am interpreting your commentaries..... I believe this discussion added some much-needed energy to this media group..... I would encourage you to explore ways of getting your important messages out to a much wider audience..... have you thought of doing radio? I speak to you as a long time conscious media producer with a lot of experience of doing radio and television work....... today, with the availability of the Internet, anyone can do a radio program and get their ideas out..... this is the first time that we actually have public access at a global level...... one of the biggest controllers of consciousness right now on planet Earth is media... it is like the central nervous system of the planet....and, one of the quickest ways of transforming consciousness is through the use of sound and light embedded in media, think about doing a radio show.... if you wish encouragement with this, feel free to contact me, .......... many blessings to you, Mary.....(.my direct e-mail is I have been blessed enough to work with and interview many different kinds of people ranging from astronauts, artists, Mayan and Hopi Elders,etc.,etc..... there is a tiny bit of info about my media background posted by one of my associate producers on the Global Peace Media link....
At 4:15pm on April 3, 2010, Mark J. Herrick said…
Hi Mary,

I just wanted to share with you some information on
a new composing tool I built on the Major Harmony® website.
It's called ... The Power Dominator.
Play around with it and explore new sounds.
I hope to make a difference teaching kids with this website and
make it a useful tool for musicians like yourself.

Thanks for letting me share this with you.
Mark Herrick

AKA ... Major Harmony!
At 1:35pm on February 4, 2010, mary rose said…
Jeanne, so good to hear from you. AOAND seems to have gone down without much action except for Carlos' lists. I have a whole plateful of projects going.... trying to launch Future Dawning Enterprises which includes the virtual Learning Center at Have some health issues i am addressing along with personal challenges. Yet feel i need to do more --- people, IMHO, are not responding to this crisis as they should if they want to see the human family continue. I like the photo of Stonehenge -- it is a solid projection of how long civilization has been around, but does not address the pain and suffering that it has taken to arrive at this point in time. Do you know that there are 6 million people on foodstamps today and the list is growing expoentially every day. Are you working on anything in particular? Would you be open to working on a project with me here on AOAND. I want to publicize how large a movement the "Blessed Unrest" movement that Paul Hawken reveals in his book by the same name is. And want to put up a group by this title, but can't do it alone. Let me know.
At 11:28am on February 4, 2010, Jeanne said…
Stopping by to say hello... and howzitgoin? Hows the writing projects going? Coming? I dunno? I'm doing alright for an ordinary mortal. ...continually adapting. Metta, Jeanne


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