Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Global Family (UNIVISIONS)
  • Female
  • Hartselle, AL
  • United States
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  • Dawn Gifford Engle
  • Mandy Leng
  • John Sandford Rawsthorne
  • Shirlee Hall
  • Kristina Hallett
  • Anayah Joi Holily
  • Michael Robinson
  • Gary Tomchuk
  • Steven Graves
  • HWI
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  • Pat Crosby
  • Stacey Robyn
  • Maia Nartoomid
  • Burt Kempner

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Conscious Ways to Help Others During Difficulties

by Evita Ochel - Our planet is in the midst of various shifts and changes. This is bringing about turmoil in many areas. Some of the changes are geological, some political, some climate related and others yet brought about by the numerous systems on our planet that are collapsing as we speak.  Regardless of how they are generated, as with all sources of stress, it is never about

How to Stop People from Emotionally Manipulating You

by Steven Bancarz - If you are reading this right now, then chances are you have been manipulated by someone at some point in your life. There is also a good chance you are being manipulated right now. Teachers, co-workers, relationship partners, friends, and family are usually the ones who end up manipulating us because we feel as though we can trust them. Because we feel like we can

How Life Shows Us What We Need To Know

by Dave Richo - There is a grace-full force in us and in the universe. It is a lively energy that is always at work so that we will become fully human.  To be fully human is to be as loving as we can be, as free of ego fear and clinging and as generous as we can be with our innate gifts and talents.  This takes psychological work on ourselves and a spiritual practice.

When Pain Runs Your Life

by Cheryl Maloney - How much more can you take?  Do you feel like the pain will never go away?  Are you devastated beyond your worst nightmare but know that life goes on even if you hate it right now?  That pretty much describes any life where radical, unwanted and unimaginable, changes dominate the here and now. What can you do about it? If you’ve followed me for any

7 Tips for Self-Inquiry and Gaining Inner Peace

by Remez Sasson - There is a deeper consciousness inside everyone, hidden beneath layers of thoughts, feelings and desires. This consciousness is like a strong bulb of light, which covers upon covers of thoughts, feelings and desires hide.  The purpose of self-inquiry is to remove the covers, let this bulb of light – this consciousness, shine unhindered. After removing

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What instrument does Carlos Santana play

Global Family (UNIVISIONS)'s Blog

This weeks Top Ten #5: Inspiration, Insight and Empowerment



Posted on February 9, 2015 at 9:15am

This Week's Top Ten #4: Inspiration, Insight and Empowerment


Posted on January 30, 2015 at 5:05am

This Week's Top Ten #2 - Inspiration, Insight and Empowerment



Posted on January 6, 2015 at 7:45am

This Week's Top Ten - Inspiration, Insight and Empowerment

Cosmic Nudge

by Cathy Olsen - You are indeed being pushed, prodded as it were in this transformational time on your planet. We nudge you into actio...…


Posted on December 6, 2014 at 6:08am

Future Vision and New Earth Awakened Timelines

by DL Zeta - 
We are standing in the gateway to a powerful time when we’re being asked to step past those things that previously held us back. The energies are already swirling around us, inspiring us to transcend old identities and step more fully into the awakened timelines of the New Earth.
Waking and nighttime dreams are preparing…

Posted on October 5, 2014 at 3:52am

Multidimensional Reality Awareness

Multidimensional Reality Awareness

We perceive Reality through our senses which convince us that the way in which we experience the world around us is exactly the way it exists. The true nature of Reality, however, is not experienced through this…

Posted on September 7, 2014 at 8:17am

The Call to Create



Let divine inspiration flow through you.

by James F. Twyman and Anakha Coman -

The creativity of Oneness…

Posted on February 21, 2011 at 8:56am

The Vibration of Unity Consciousness


Archangel Michael - Greetings my beloved beings of Light and Love! Tonight, I share with you that NOTHING is more important at this time than to amplify the vibration of Unity Consciousness. There is no longer a separation between…

Posted on February 21, 2011 at 8:51am — 1 Comment


Collaborating, Supporting, Celebrating & Co-creating a Universal Paradigm Shift

"WE are members of a vast cosmic orchestra, in which each living instrument is essential to the complementary and harmonious playing of the whole."

--J. Allen Boone

"To serve each other, to respect each other, to trust each other, to honor each other, to love each other, to cooperate with each other, to care for each other, to forgive one another, to focus on peoples' good, to laugh with one another, to learn from one another; to pray for each other - these are all acts of Love."

--Fools Crow, Lakota



INNER PEACE: Centered in Source, WE are at peace.
GUIDANCE: The wisdom of Source is revealed through US.
HEALING: Source renews every cell of OUR body.
PROSPERITY: WE have all the time, energy and money needed to do what is OURS to do.
WORLD PEACE: WE are awakening to the truth that WE are ONE and Divine Love prevails.
BLESSINGS TO ALL: Source/Love, flowing through US, blesses and multiplies all that WE are, all that WE have, all that WE give and all that WE receive.


Caring Hearts from all cultures, beliefs, races and backgrounds, cultivating a Spirit of Love and Harmony our intentions are to honor and respect ALL Life while strengthening the Bonds that enable us to Nurture, Love and Support each other.




Hello and welcome, my name's Karen Gayle aka Karing4U/Univisions and I am happy and gracious to be a part of this network and look forward to sharing together.  Founder, caretaker, curator & publisher for the network: WORLD SERVERS COLLECTIVEღ 
Love to have you stop in anytime...
  photo ist2_4131575-decorative-dividers-2.jpg
We are the living links in a life force that moves and plays around and through us, binding the deepest soils with the farthest stars." --Alan Chadwick
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Joining Hands and Hearts
Caring for the World 

in each field below

Conscious Evolutionaries
Inspirational Blogs
Gurus/Life Coaches
Eco/Animal Activists
World Changers
Caring Collective 

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing.
Love is knowing I am everything and
between the two, my life moves."
--Nisargadatta Maharaj

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 2:37pm on February 26, 2011, Richard Lukens said…

That is the coolest little animation... thanks... 

At 1:14pm on December 16, 2010, Richard Lukens said…

Hello Univisions,

Great name, where are you joining us from?  Welcome to Architects, great to have you with us.  Enjoy getting to know the site and feel free to add inspiration from your collective vision.

All the best,




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