Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.



Let divine inspiration flow through you.

by James F. Twyman and Anakha Coman -

The creativity of Oneness is constantly calling to you. Now is the time to answer the call and open yourself to the boundless inspiration available to you. When you hear the Divine knocking, fling the door wide open and invite your own particular genius inside. When you do so, you become receptive to the creativity of Oneness. You’re filled with wisdom and enthusiasm that is deeply and intricately connected to your well-being and to the well-being of the world. This inspiration is sourced in the Divine Idea of goodness for all. The creativity of Oneness taps into the collective Soul and delivers to your doorstep a notion of life that surpasses your wildest dreams. Your creativity fans the flame of Oneness; this is the Divine spark that connects you to the Source of all life.

James: When I think about the word creative or creativity, I also think of compelling. To be creative is to be compelling. This is something that’s so vital today, especially if we want to inspire others. This needs to be compelling! We can’t be somber, and we can’t just lie back and relax into a passive state. If we can live this mind-set in creative, vibrant, passionate ways, then people will look at us and say, “I want some of that!” This is how we can be inspiring in the world today: by stepping into that experience ourselves, living it, and embracing it fully so that others will desire it and access it for themselves.

Anakha: Yes. I think that the passivity you’re speaking of (you can also call it malaise) is like a cloud that gets in the way of the sun’s brilliance. We have to make it our intention to connect with the power of the sun—the power of Oneness and creativity. It’s easy to become complacent and collectively depressed about the state of the world instead of realizing that there is a God idea, a Divine idea that we can tap into. And it’s our duty and responsibility to actually make ourselves receptive to Divine inspiration and to also encourage others to do the same. That’s how dynamic, creative ideas for our educational and political systems, the economy, the environment, and new ways of living together on the planet today become manifest: through our receptivity to them.

James: Who can you inspire today? Several people probably come to mind, those you deal with every day in the most ordinary fashions . . . the ones you could choose to give the gifts you’re seeking in order to receive yourself. How can you change the predictable patterns that you usually follow in ways that may inspire something new? Remember that the best way for you to receive inspiration is to offer it to someone else. Can you be creative today? Can you offer something that helps another person access Oneness and also inspires the same in you?

Anakha: Yes! I think the creativity of Oneness is so necessary right now. We have to realize that who we were yesterday isn’t who we are today. We must move out of those fixed ideas of ourselves and what the state of the world is. It’s much more dynamic than that! In the creativity of Oneness, each day we become new—that is, there’s a new aspect of Oneness that’s actually expressing itself as us and as our friends, family, co workers, even as this very world. As we become fluid and flexible, allowing ourselves to be infused with the Divine Intelligence that wants to speak to us, through us, and as us, we become part of a global consciousness, a global community of Oneness.

It’s important to be receptive to an intelligence that’s so far greater than our limited minds, to be open to it and to activate it in ourselves and each other. We need to encourage one another to be available to the Divine Idea of Oneness that wants to manifest in our lives and as the conditions of the world.

Today, notice which Divine Ideas catch your attention and intention. What do you want to create? Do you feel pulled toward something? What fascinates you or whets your appetite? If you were to stop conforming to someone else’s idea of creativity, how would you express your own unique brilliance? Would you dance, paint, cook, sing, garden, act, draw, write, dress up, decorate, orchestrate, or design? Trust the Divine impulse that moves you to express and contribute. Have faith and act. As the wave of creativity rises and swells within, catch it and ride it in! This is the creativity of Oneness at work in you.

As you increase your willingness and ability to receive, conceive, and act on Divine inspiration, you open the channel for more to flow through. Divine inspiration for all aspects of your life will become easily accessible to you. Have the courage to create today! Make it contagious. Invite others to join you, uniting in the creativity of Oneness.

Affirmation: I AM consciously creating a world of brilliance and Oneness with my every expression—prayer, thought, statement, feeling and action.

excerpt from 'The Proof' by James F. Twyman/Anakha Coman © 2009 (Hay House)


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