We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
The Glorious life...
Of your imagination
Will become reality
Once you set
Your foundations right
The key to making
The life you
Love to live
Is the time you give
To knowing
And loving
The belief
You have in yourself
The honour
For your worth
The complete
Unconditional love
You allow yourself
Your beliefs
Your beliefs determine
Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 21, 2012 at 3:50am — No Comments
Added by Esta Lior on January 20, 2012 at 9:08am — No Comments
Added by Esta Lior on January 20, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments
Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 20, 2012 at 7:55am — No Comments
Experiences will happen...
That match
The frequency
You resonate
What you perceive
Is your indicator
Of how in alignment
You are
When you experience
Situations or people
Who make you feel
Stressed, anxious or upset
Understand this has come
From your own
Lack of self worth
You are just witnessing
Energy bringing
The same frequency
You resonate out
By changing your belief
Learning to love YOU
Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 19, 2012 at 3:36pm — No Comments
You, in all your Living Splendour,
You, you make my heart sing.
And if I feel not worthy
You come to touch my hand,
And if my heart is heavy
I hear your song and remember who I am.
And you, you make my heart sing.
The gift of just believing means everything.
And if I lose my way,
Along the long, long road,
You somehow are right there
And lead me to the fold.
And there is the hope
ContinueAdded by cindy paulos on January 19, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments
ACE Cash Express, a leading retailer of financial services, announced today a…
Added by 3BL Media on January 18, 2012 at 7:05pm — No Comments
Every experience you encounter...
Comes to you
From the transmutation
Of energy
Signaled from
The frequency
Of your beliefs
When you experience
Conflict, frustration
Or fear
This indicates you are
Resonating low frequency
That you are in
Low self esteem or confidence
It is not about reacting
To situations
It is all about
Creating the right belief
To resonate and attract
The high frequency
Of abundance
Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 18, 2012 at 1:41am — No Comments
There is a candle that burns in the darkness
A beacon that lights the way.
There is a lifeline that connects my very soul
To reach me as I travel the way.
And when I call I know you are there.
Fending off my minds despair.
There is a shudder of the angels wings
That enfolds me and lifts my heart to sing.
There is a beacon that guides my journey on
A candle that burns to light the way along.
And when I am…
ContinueAdded by cindy paulos on January 17, 2012 at 8:26am — No Comments
You only witness...
Lack and limitation
Through believing
You are not worthy
Of abundance
Through believing
The conditioning
There to keep you
In fear
All while this
Is your belief
You resonate out
The frequency
Of lack and limitation
Energy will attract
Back the same frequency
In experiences of
Limitation and control
To change your frequency
Means changing
Your belief
Which calls for
Knowing you are…
Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 17, 2012 at 2:45am — No Comments
where your attentons and care end up?
she calls you can't hide
she tells you lies
she saved your life
now you can fight
but you are still weak.
she's full of attention for mankind.
she loves yourself as she loves a cat
kicks out any equation of maths
she is interested to be followed
she barely follows you.
if you spend a word it would lead to a compromise
she is afraid of being alone
she is a love…
ContinueAdded by Lorenzo Abbiati on January 16, 2012 at 11:37pm — No Comments
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the year 2012. This year has been anticipated, worldwide, in almost all cultures for decades, if not centuries. And through her grace, we are entering it on the coat tails of our beloved Divine Mother. She has scooped us up and held us in her loving embrace as we cross this threshold into 2012. What more could we ask for? All of the anxiety that many on Earth are experiencing, as we enter into 2012 has been removed for us by Mother and replaced with…
ContinueAdded by Esta Lior on January 16, 2012 at 11:24am — No Comments
Great Redeemer,
Oh, one that holds the Light of God.
Let your Love fill my Heart and Soul.
So I may remember who I am.
So I my redeem my power to believe.
So I may be healed by the truth
That God gave you to hold.
The Gift of redemption is what you offer
And this I gladly receive.
I understand the Power of Who you are
And your unconditional Love for me.
Oh great redeemer,
Allow me…
ContinueAdded by cindy paulos on January 16, 2012 at 9:22am — No Comments
Knowing your passion...
Comes with defining
Who you are
Not by your title
Not by your career
Not by your family
Who YOU are
By your values
By your vision
Of living the life
You love
A life that fills you
With creativity
And passion
This comes by
Taking your focus off
Those who try to
Your life experiences
Who try to
Keep you small
From their own
Place of lack
Moving your…
Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 15, 2012 at 11:58pm — No Comments
The REI Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit…
Added by 3BL Media on January 15, 2012 at 6:42pm — No Comments
Let my Love’s Music touch your Heart
May the gifts of Spirit fill my soul
And rain their blessings down below
Let my Love’s Music take control
And Whisper of Blessings
The Master’s hold
May my souls music set me free
Let it come in waves of Ecstasy.
Let my loves music
Bless my soul
What have you given up
to get where you are
What have you sacrificed
to reach the stars
ContinueAdded by cindy paulos on January 15, 2012 at 10:25am — No Comments
To accept and receive...
Wealth and abundance
You must first
Accept and receive
Love for yourself
Honour for your
Self worth
Wealth is energy
Money is energy
Both directly correlate
To self worth.
What you believe
The frequency you resonate
Low self worth
Lack of confidence
Resonates low frequency
It creates resistance
To the energetic
Flow of wealth
Belief in your
Self worth
In your…
Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 15, 2012 at 2:12am — No Comments
Your desires happen...
As quickly
As you believe they will
Your belief
Is the signal
For your cells
To send out
The frequency of abundance
Your worth
Your capabilities
Are how you
Give the right signals
Within in you
There is
It is YOU
Command your desires
Own the life
You know
You are here to…
Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 14, 2012 at 10:25am — No Comments
Ask yourself, in all honesty
Am I a force for Good,
Am I bringing God’s Light and Love to the World
What could you do to be a force for Good?
For we must believe that the power of God’s Energy
Has the ability to bring us to a higher vibration and
That this energy can bring us to our true potential.
For if we would want God to work through us,
We need to be dealing in goodness.
And bringing in the same…
ContinueAdded by cindy paulos on January 14, 2012 at 9:14am — No Comments
The Congress Hotel, Fort Dearborn and the old Chicago Main Library.
by Barek Halfhand
The old gothic architecture of the building with the neon red “CONGRESS HOTEL” sign glowing at it’s anterior has been a prominent fixture of the Chicago nighted skyline for over a century...it is…
ContinueAdded by Barek Halfhand on January 13, 2012 at 11:54am — No Comments
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