The Aquarian Age calls forth the Oneness of Humanity’s soul.
Leading with the Vision of a New Day and New Hope for Humankind.
For even in our isolated Unity we are One. From the seeds planted in the last decade of radio, TV, to the advent of youtube, facebook, blogs to Avatar and interplane consciousness we have expanded our reach of a single soul to World Consciousness. In that is a Universal Need to enact loving Compassion so that we can understand the… Continue
Added by cindy paulos on February 5, 2010 at 8:50am —
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Isin't it funny how using intellect and logic instead of Drowning people and blustering works so much better, Bush and his boys (especially Dick Cheney) jumped immediately to Torture as a mechanism to extract information, isin't that what the taliban does ??? once again Obama shows the Country that you don't have to become your enemy in order to protect the…
Later this month we are going to allow aTanker from Yemen loaded with Natural Gas to navigate thru Boston Harbor right thru Downtown and tie-up at the Everett supply grounds, now I remember in 1967 my Gunship accompanied a Russian Trawler right into the heart of Boston, the Captain of District 1 (Base Boston) was summarily thrown out of the Coast Guard for the incident, even us Seamen were wondering what the hell we were doing ???
I heard the Mayor (who is logically dead… Continue
Added by Darwin Phillips on February 4, 2010 at 10:30am —
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An Open Letter to President Barack Obama (12/12/09)
Dear Mr. President,
Some time ago, I watched you make a brilliant speech about the cycle of racism, and the potential we have to break that cycle. It gave me hope that one day you would… Continue
Added by Yaron on February 3, 2010 at 7:29pm —
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Have you ever wanted to change something about your life but found that despite your best intentions you kept on doing the same thing? Maybe you wanted to get more exercise .... or be more loving .... or to change what and how you eat. And somehow you 'forgot' to go to the gym, or reacted instantly to that other person's behavior with anger.... and ate that whole bag of chips. Change can be really challenging when different parts of us have different agendas, and that is often the case when we… Continue
The world has been so gracious in providing those who can, have and should exercise every opportunity to bring about such clinedestined awareness of disasters. This dialog addresses the need for such “proclamations” to collaborate with solution provides who need to evolve in equilibrium. As a solutions provider and collaborator of many other global correction initiatives I wish to present this question – “is a flashforward possible in the progression of civilizations?” I suggest the answer is -… Continue
Added by Robert Short on February 2, 2010 at 5:24pm —
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Surrender to the Silence
Where you can find a Place to Be
Surrender to the Will of God
And let yourself be Free
All of Life is Flowing
Like a Radiant River that Runs
To the Sound that is the Current
That carries you ever Home
If you knock upon the Door
and It opens unto you
Can you just surrender
and for the Moment stay
to Hear the Silence Give to you
the truth of Who you are
To receive the… Continue
Added by cindy paulos on February 2, 2010 at 9:02am —
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