Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Barry your paintings resonate with my deepest Soul-knowings, and consciously-move heart and mind to heights and depths previously UNknown...The more each is contemplated, the more comes forth to be seen and spiritually-REmembered....Thank you, Barry, for Being all you came here for to Be....Your new and ancient Friend, Treecia Richie

I was introduced to the joy of Barry's work several years ago. I'm thrilled that his inspirational gift of light is reaching around the world. Not surprising, his work continues now, as then, to touch me on an inner level too deep for verbal expression. Thank you Barry.--JoDean Davies

Barry - I love the paintings. Doorway is absolute mystical genius! It's open.......and it's open for me. I don't have to play with the shadows any more! Something happened to me when I looked into The Doorway. I walked right through that door. All a sudden these dark shackles just fell off me. I literally went from almost tears to laughter. The light that poured out of the art was absolute truth. There is a power in your work that moves me deeply because the interpretations are from the inside out. I can hear the title, look and my spirit flies inside.--Diana


Thank you for deeply connecting us all to the universal spirit that helped you create this stunning display of virtuosity and amazing fecundity! There's something masterful in the body of your work that is thrilling and awe inspiring. Right on!--Ted Knerr
I want you to know that your art is so strong and powerfull that can reach unknown places and minds, so far in distance but so close in feelings. Someone that can do such things can consider it self as a great artist. Laura Olivera - Uruguay

Barry's efforts are breathtakingly beautiful. Anyone thinking of investing in art should take a long look at what he is producing at the moment. I encouraged an East Coast artist who had similar talents and she is now selling out all of her shows and her artwork's value is rising rapidly. Not only would you have a beautiful piece of Barry's artwork to enjoy but a wonderful invest for the future.Phil Erickson

A spiritual journey is what your work transfers to the psyche of all, the emotion and the depth speaks in volumes. A visual delight once viewed, leaves the imprint forever. Parys - Australia

Barry, your artwork is not only pleasant to look at, but spiritually uplifting as well. All the images are appealing at first glance. But the more you study it, the more you find in it to behold. A rare combination of geometric elegance and spiritual depth! Dr. Joshua Golding

Barry, you have such a wide range of visions. Each of your pieces reflects an emotion your were feeling when they were created. Obviously I like your use of light, especially when combined with the mountains and pyramids. The viewer flows between the present & the future, but can never reach either destination. Good job. I hope to see a lot more of your work. --Rich Allison

Awakening looks like TERRA FORMING to me!!!Mamma mia! It is all so breathtaking, so ‘familiar’ so GALACTIC!!I am deeply moved and excited at the same time – how wonderful to channel through this expression...the art form. I truly am completely awed by the depth of your vision, the incredible energy that pours from the canvas...I celebrate your gift and it is clearly a memory – either of the future or the past – there is no difference, in the end. --Patricia Cori - Italy

True art bursts forth like an explosion from our unconscious. Barry's interest in the Superconscious and abstract renderings of Jungian archetypes brings unfettered originality and boldness to his diverse and beautifully conceived explorations in mixed media. His work is fresh and free from the shackles of redundancy, his explorations within shine brilliantly with beauty and versatility. --Sam Krotinger

WOW! All I could think of is Going Home. Breathtakingly beeeuuutiful! I wish there were more spiritual places & people I could see & meet. But I journey there in my heart and mind; thanks to people like yourself that share such beauty on theirwebsites. They are all so beautiful and say so much about you the painter. To me it reflects the brilliance of your soul; the divinity within you, bursting through and expressing itself through your paintings. --Elaine

As a small child I would watch over your shoulder as you created things that I couldnt even imagine. Even then I wondered where it came from. It was clear then and even more now that you have a spiritual gift and purpose here. I have always felt calmed and supported in life by your gentle loving spirit and now feel blessed to see others able to enjoy your gifts and talents. It's pure joy gazing into your creations of heart and soul. Val Allison

On Fire seems truly appropriate right now, well, because you are on fire. I like this direction in your new works a lot! I love the intensity! On Fire is very graphic and easy to grasp. It has a feeling, at least for me, best described as “immediate”, kind of like great heat felt from real fire – you feel it now – bammo – in your face. I like that... no holes barred - just out there. It’s appropriately named too. Personally, I think that more people will really relate to this new direction. A.D. Cook

Barry, your work is beautiful, spiritual and very accomplished artistically - all at the same time. It's a real challenge, I've found, to convey concepts and emotions of a higher nature and have the work remain artistically strong and unsentimental. You have succeeded! --Astrid Fitzgerald

Barry! It has been an absolute pleasure to be your friend and watch your art grow over the years. I am constantly amazed by your art every time I see it. Some of your pieces I’ve seen countless times but see something different every time I look at it. Art moves people in many different ways. Your pieces move people in ways that most art can’t. I am looking forward to your upcoming show. All the best, Larry Hales

I have two of Barry's paintings...I picked them not only for their beauty, but for the way they make me feel. Looking into his works puts me at peace, in a world that seems to always want to do the opposite to people! Barry's personality is reflected in his art, and it's readily apparent that this artist views the world's light through a beautiful, peaceful lens.Every day, I enjoy a slice of what it must be to see as he does. His works attracted me immediately, as I love his play between darkness and light. --Leah Kando

Since early human history, the visual image continues to be one of our most powerful forms of expression. Barry Mack's art images convey a power of abstraction that welcomes one into space. His breadth of subtle colors combined with strong geometric shapes invoke space within the mind as well as vast space of the universe. His images beckon and capture our attention to explore this space. Barry has the knowledge of traditional painting, photography and computer art. The computer as an art tool is much like that of photography in the nineteenth century. Photography was initially ignored as an art form but endured and has gained full acceptance. Many artists are now using the computer to create their artistic vision. Barry's art shows his expertise in all these media. This presents an encompassing view of a truly multi-talented artist. ==Emily L. YoungProfessor Emerita, Visual Arts Portland State University


It's so huge. The art that you make, the effort that goes into it. The goal I guess. It's something really really big. Whether you ever made a piece of art in your life... your intention and your ideas are inspiring in themselves. Your will to create is enormous. And that doesn't just say something about you and your ambition, which I find to be so motivating... it says something about what else is out there. What else is making up this universe, this reality... and even more than this reality. I am incredibly happy that you do this. That this is all part of you. Knowing you feels very very lucky. --Sarah S.

I do not include art picks in my investment advice, but if I were to do so, Barry Mack's work would be at the top of my list! I highly recommend that you become familiar with his extraordinary portfolio of abstract paintings, as I believe time is running out to scoop the art world on this gifted artist. Barry paints not only with acrylics, but with light. Light for Barry is a medium in itself. In person, each canvas is like several living paintings in one, as the light picks up and reflects nuances of color and energy in the surrounding space. I don't feel as though I am simply viewing a painting, but rather that I am part of the living, creative energy that animates his images. Somehow Barry captures that light energy while keeping it alive in and on the canvas--truly amazing. --Laurie Daven
Barry, I really love this new work. It's true Mack, and golden. I think you captured a spirit presence in this photograph. Something is Manifesting right in your studio!!!!
:) Beautiful :) --Liz Neilson
Wonderful!!! The first one looks like you are getting into the "Split Fountain" technique. --Bob Foster

WOW - what talent you were born with! I also love the colors... the goldens
with the reds. Just absolutely beautiful.

Thank you for sharing!

Wow! I see what you meant by one of your voice mail messages. These are both a return to your earlier work and an incorporation of all you learned in the interim. --Carol Mack
When you believe it you will SEE it...congratulations!
Wow! Beautiful Barry. I hope they find their way into the home of someone that will treasure them for a long long time.

honey dripping delicious.
golden inspired valley swimming
scattered dragonflies zipping by and around
inner glow, inner beauty. Natural.

hugs, Karen
Fabulous work, Barry. --LeslieAnn
it's stunning!

My best,
Debbie in Gary Reddick's Office
"I find these very brilliant paintings !" =Fab Kimberlite
Beautiful! Liquid light!! --Brad Laughlin
Amazing work !
Gary Reddick
...absolutely gorgeous work... --Kathy
The liquid light descending from the heights in these paintings reminds me of this poem by a friend of mine.

"Up from it's hidden source
A fresh stream of clear water
Makes its winding course
Down the waiting hill
Giving those who's hearts thirst their sweet clear fill."

Allan Stephenson
"I love it! You are brilliant!" --Kedma
I'm speechless......GLORIOUS.....Diana
Wow!! How beautiful...very vivid and colorful!! --Irma Mack

You are fabulous...
GORGEOUS paintings... breathtaking!!!
with heart and love,
At first I thought your studio was on fire, then I realized IT IS!
--Kathy Reynolds
AWESOME !!! --Jim Kirkish
Barry - OMG, is that beautiful!!!!!!! I can't imagine what the real McCoy
looks like. --Dave Dutton
Awesome...Jean=Marie Chapman
Wow - fabulous. --A.D.Cook
Absolutely gorgeous! --Debbie Smith

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