Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

All is Well

Far Beyond the Flickering Flame
In the Heart of the One that Knows
All of Life’s sweet Miracles
Come to now unfold
Far Beyond the Mind’s deep Fears
And efforts of the Day
There is the path to Follow
And lead you to the Way

Though in Life there’s no Guarantees
We know what calls our name
And there is some way we find
The journey back to where we came

Somewhere out there in the World gone wild
We hear the faintest sound
The whisper and the Promise inside says
All is well, all is well, all is well

And our soul finds Sanctuary
In the stillness that is true
And our hearts are drawn to the Love inside
That holds a promise of what you do
On the road that brings me back to you

And when times are quite insane
Let the mantra inside you be
Hear it in this moment
and let it set you free

Christ is there and in his Grace
You are protected night and day
Listen to these words and what they have to say
For in heaven it is known so bring it to you now
All is well in this very moment
All is well, all is well , all is well

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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on November 30, 2010 at 10:41am
as physics discovers unfold ways and paths so love can lead us to deeper result.
mind deep fears no garantee today on profict focus society tear out most sensible minds.
like magnetic repulsion which increase disorder and leads sensitive people to live on the edge.
but from the edge a new power will come like a new ring which will lead invisible what today we focus on - fears.
the mantra we have to say is "a love supreme" - as you know this last is not mine.


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