Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Who you are

How do you identify who you are
When you are the Light of the Soul
The Breath of Living Energy
The Belief that remembers the truth of the One

You are the Presence that meets
with the Elements of Earth
That recognizes the Eternal Flame of Life
You have been on this earthly Plane in many forms
Wearing many robes
Through many births and deaths

You are the Promise made to God In ancient times
You are the messenger of the Morn
You are the one who greets the silence with a Song
And the one speaks with the Changing voice
of the passing mystic Pilgrim of life

All of these myriad vessels lined up
like jars of clay at the entrance to the Temple
All of the Candles that have been lit
In remembrance of the One

How do you identify who you are
When you know you are really not what you do or say

Naked visitor to this passing dream in so many disguises
As you wait to be revealed by the one who can see Souls

Let your heart be seen by the Angels
Let your Light be the Beacon Home
Let your love be felt by those who have been waiting
For you are more than everything you do
That is not your identity
But the hope of a passing dream
Awaiting the awakening of the world

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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on November 30, 2010 at 7:37am
we are the awakening of the world
angels will see our hearth
and everything we try to conceal
they act in a smooth way
angels are "antimateria" coming back from the future.
so they can't change the course of life, but they can watch and create great light to lead us home
the promise of god in ancient times is seeing ourselves upper creature who have passed through the adamantine wall of uncommunication, hate, vengeance.
we are the one who will all be running toghether in the same direction and the force driving us to the light will be greater than the sum of the singlre forces cause there will be infinite acceleration and enough margin to lead into lord's house also the weakest which are also the most eager to see the light. and the miracle will be that themselves in acceleration with us will learn again to walk.


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