Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Only Humans can


As we race through this life we are fed,

By the passion and the dream,

And the chance of being able to achieve all of our wildest schemes.


And with each breath we are reminded of how precious this life is.

And the mysteries we encounter as we learn how here to live.

For here on this precious planet we live as God and Man,

We learn how to be humans so we may find a way to be all we can.


And we’re given so many choices, is it love or power that we need.

And we are asked to spend some time with those who hold the key.

And so we breath in spirit and so we find the soul,

And how can we live here and share it with everyone we know.

Can we love as God Loves, can we find a way to be,

With the blessings of God’s love and the ones who are begging to be free.


There are billions on this planet who pray and seek the light,

There are millions seeking answers and who try to do what Is right.

And all are given a free choice to live as they see fit,

even if they have no means to achieve the dream

as some would really live it.


And we are given candles, to light in the darkest night.

And we are given stories to share about how it is we might,

Fulfill our souls great destiny, and our true purpose here

And live in such a place as this, being human with all our fears.


And each sunrise brings us rays of hope

And each day a chance to be,

And we can light our candles to find God’s

 pure Love as we race through life we still stop and see,

the lessons of the journey, and some answers on the way,

 some chance at understanding why we’re really here

and what we do with this life and how we may.

Live on this strange Planet, as God within this form,

And be happy as a human and live as only humans can.



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