Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I have a very special place on the planet - where I am right mow - where I feel connected. I feel this connection to 'place' in a way that is deeper than I can express. The birds I feed who give me the 'eye'; the animals who depend on me. My loved ones far away who want me near; I'm working on it...meanwhile I AM HERE NOW. The garden is dying but it is going inwards for winter and so must I. It will be here in the spring again. And, by some miracle, so might I...

Mostly that's what it takes to BE HERE NOW

Candle Pictures, Images and Photos

"It's the most precious know absolutely where you belong. There's a whole emotional wrapping-around-of-you here. You see the same rock, tree, road, clouds, sun -- you develop a nice kind of intimacy with the world around you. To be intimate is to grow, to learn...[it] is absolutely fulfilling. Intimacy, that's my magic word for why I live here."
--Tessie Maranjo, SANTA CLARA PUEBLO

Every human being, to be healthy in mind/body/spirit, needs to have the feeling of belonging. When we have a sense of belonging we can be intimate. We can feel. We can connect. If we cannot develop this feeling of belonging, then we will feel lost or disconnected.

To be disconnected from life is like walking around during the day not knowing the Sun exists. Or the moon at night or the stars.

Howeever, to have a feeling of intimacy with our spce/place on the planet is a warm, glowing, joyful, loving, and connected ind of thing.

The feeling this Elder is talking about is available to us all.

Great Spirit, let me be intimate.

I am grateful, so grateful for my place/space on the planet. I am working towards sharing this space with all whom I love and who love me.

Thank you.

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Comment by Imelda Maguire on April 20, 2010 at 9:34am

Comment by Ron Alexander on November 22, 2009 at 6:14pm
To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour.” Nice post, Marian. Happy Thanksgiving, ron


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