Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Be strong as a Lion
And Flow like the River of Life.
Bathe in the Violet Flame that holds the purity Of the Morning Rain.
Let the Wind Bring you the Breath of Fire,
And sooth your restless spirit
To allow you to sit with God’s Presence in Silence.

So you may be in the Light.
And Hold Steady in the Love that would
Have you forgive yourself and
those who have held you prisoner
from how your soul would have you be.

For we are all held in a place that is limited here on Earth.
Limited by our unending needs and the Egos Demands,
And Yet, God’s Light and Love can Free us from our limitations
So we can Merge with our Souls’ and
Bring the Strength of the Holy Spirit into being.
We can see the Soft light of God’s Constant Love
Always burning as a spark that lives in the very essence of each atom.
Each breath and can bring us our salvation
So we may become whole in who we are.

This is the Sound of the Lions Roar.
This is the Flame of Eternal Love.
This is the Fountain of Life’s Holy Source.
It is the Blessing of Being with God.

So Wrap yourself in the Cloak of God’s Protection.
Find the Healing Shades of Light from Heaven.
And Let it bring you the Blessings of Being.
And Let the Everlasting Promise
that is always remembered in your soul,
Carry you on the back of the Lion.
And let the Rays of the Son Lift you to the Grace of the Redemption that your beloved Brings.
Believe with you heart and soul in the Unspoken Promise that is given with the Gift of His Holy Gaze.
For the Lord would see into the very heart of your soul,
and knows who you truly are.
Strong as a Lion Pure as the Holy Stream
And Alive in the Eternal Grace of God’s Spirit.
It is so, and we give thanks and so it is.

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